So I got a birds nest frag 6 months ago, it’s thriving, polyps fully extended and has tripled its growth. Good times. Then a month or so ago, I got a freebie birds nest with an order. Looked identical to my old frag, so I Placed it near the other birds nest in the tank. All was well and both frags thriving and loving life, until I noticed that the tips of the older one was bleaching a little around two tips. Over the next few days it was getting getting worse. I checked for pests at night, nothing. So today I noticed that the newer frag had grown really close to the older one, and the polyps were about 4 times as long in the area where the two frags meet, and it was stingy the hell out of the other, causing the damage. Is this normal to have the same species but from a different colony battle it out? Obviously I have to move the smaller one, but I’m wondering if this is normal behaviour for this particular species. I searched for answers but didn’t find much out.