BigFudge's CADLights Artisan 100gallon- Triton



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Hello all! BigFudge here!

Bear with me! This is going to be a significantly long post. Documenting my journey over the last 3 months!

I’ve been a long time lurker here on the forums for a number of years and have always had an interest in Reef Keeping.

A little bit about myself; I started with Planted Aquariums about 5 years ago as a form of my own “therapy” after hitting a pretty low spot in my life and got about as deep as you could get into it. CO2 injection, high lighting, automation. You name it, I had it, including MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome). Being that I knew I wanted to eventually at some point jump to the saltwater side of things, I had purchased four things that could form dual purpose and be used for reef keeping at a later time, IE an, RODI Unit with 40 Gallon reservoir tank, an Apex Aquarium Controller, an ATI Dimmable Sunpower (6 Bulb) and an Apogee Par Meter.

Flash forward to about four months ago. I had just got out of a pretty significant break up and decided that it was “now or never” to start into the Reef Keeping side of things. I’m in my mid 30’s, no kids, and a great career so I reasoned that before I got settled down and started having kids (If that ever actually happens), it would be in my best interest to spend the money now, so I wouldn’t have to spend it later.

I started perusing Craigslist and came across a used CADLights Artisan 100gallon. I had researched them before and already knew about their plumbing issues but I figured I could deal with it and make it work. I purchased the set up (the seller threw in a Bubble Magus Curve 5 Skimmer, Tunze ATO, Media Reactor, Jaebo return Pump and a Bubble Magus Doser as well).


I knew I wanted to set things up right, or at least try to, and started working an insane amount of overtime to purchase quality gear from the start. I also decided I wanted to go the full Triton method out the gate.

With that in mind, I purchased:

  • Synergy Reef TS-34 Triton Sump (Storm Cloud)
  • Synergy Reef 5 gallon ATO Container (Storm Cloud)
  • Kessil H380 LED Refugium Light
  • 2 EcoTech Vortec MP40’s
  • Neptune COR20 Return Pump
  • Apex FMM Module
  • Apex WXM Module
  • Apex Breakout Box
  • Second Apex EB8
  • Avast Marine Spyglass Reactor
  • A ton of Blue PVC, fittings, gate/ball valves, some unions and metric to standard adapters to go from the funky CADLights Plumbing to regular sizes.

I also knew that I wanted to run a Herbie Drain and therefor I needed to drill another hole in the overflow. I knew it was going to be tight but wanted to give it a shot (risky I know!). With the help of my brother, and after measuring once, twice, three times, I found that if I used another larger bulkhead from CADlights, I could make it fit. Placed the order for the replacement Bulkheads (I went ahead and replaced all of them) and after I received them, I drilled the new hole. It was tight, but it fit!


I cut and dry fit all the plumbing together and quickly found that with the aquarium stand along with the Synergy Reef TS-34, space was at a premium and I wouldn’t be able to do it exactly how I wanted. I also found that with everything being so tight in the overflow area, fitting Unions right below them would be impossible. Furthermore I found that I couldn’t use the FMM Module since I didn’t have enough room to install the Flow Monitors. Being impatient and out of ideas, I plumbed everything the best I could. I knew my 3/4” return plumbing was going to significantly limit my return flow but wanted to see if I could make it work.

I purchased 100lbs of dry rock from the guy who sold me the tank, purchased a masonry bit, some hydro concrete mix, and some acrylic rod and took a week designing the aquascape. I ordered my sand ( a mix of MiniFlakes and MesoFlakes) as well.

About three days prior to my sand arriving, I started pre-mixing my Saltwater in Brute Trashcans. When the sand arrived, I setup the aquascape, put in the sand and filled her up.


I decided to do a fish-less cycle and already had ordered some Ammonium Chloride and Dr Tims Bacteria.

I kept the lights off, added what I thought was the correct amount of Ammonium Chloride and tested with my Salifert Ammonia Kit. When it didn’t register what I thought it should, I did what all newbs do…I added more Ammonium Chloride.

After testing it again, I had a sinking suspicion that my kit was bunk and I had probably made a grave mistake. I researched and found that the Salifert Ammonia Kits commonly have issues with Ammonium Chloride so I went and purchased an API Ammonia Test Kit. After testing it again, I found that my Ammonia was off the Charts!


Rather than doing a water change, I decided to try and wait it out. I tested daily and found that after about three weeks I was no longer showing any ammonia, or nitrite but my nitrate was sky high. I dosed up to 2ppm ammonia and within 24 hours it was completely gone with no Nitrite. Cycle Complete!

I setup my Spyglass reactor with a mix of GFO and Rox Carbon.

I went onto AlgaeBarn and put an order in for some Clean Chaeto, Red Ogo Macro Algae, Red Pom Pom Macro Algae,some Sea Lettuce and some PODs. After receiving it, I threw it all in the Fuge and turned on my Kessil H380. I kept the photo period short for a couple weeks then upped it. I monitored my Nitrate and noticed that it was lowering.

About this time I had decided on my color spectrum for my ATI Sunpower and had put in 4 Blue Plus Bulbs, 1 Coral Plus and 1 Purple Plus. I set my photoperiod at about 6 hours and decided that I was going to add my first coral to the tank. I went to a reputable reef shop here locally and purchased a red mushroom colony, a hippo tang and a pair of Gladiator Clowns. When I returned home I set up my Quarantine Tank, put in my newly acquired fish and started the quarantine process.

After securing the fish in QT, I dipped my mushroom in some CoralRX and put it in the tank. Soon after I realized that I had forgot to purchase food for my new friends so I went to another reef shop closer to my home and walked away with not only fish food, but a new Duncan Coral and a Tyree Green Toadstool as well. =).

Ended up back home, Dipped my new corals and further added them to the tank.

About two weeks later, the Corals looked healthy but I noticed I had an outbreak of Diatoms and Hair Algae. The Hair Algae wasn’t too bad and I noted that it appeared to have come in on the Mushroom colony.

I continually tested my parameters till I started noticing a drop in ALK (about a week ago) at which time I decided it was time to start dosing Triton. After messing with the Bubble Magus Doser, replacing a bad motherboard and still having issues, I ditched it and purchased two Neptune DOS units. I set up my Triton Dosing Regimen and started testing daily till my ALK was 8.2 where it currently sits.

I finished QT and put in my new friends into the aquarium and so far they’re loving life. The Hippo Tang has been eating the hair algae along with algae flake food that I’ve been feeding daily. Last week I purchased an order from ReefCleaners but it still hasn’t shipped so I’m hoping it’ll ship soon.



As of last night:

Things I’m not happy with and planning to fix:

  • Return Flow Rate and overall turn over through the sump is low - my algae bed does not turn and there doesn’t appear to be much flow through the Fuge, even after adding a powerhead. My plan is to order a 1” SeaSwirl and re-plumb my return from the pump at 1 1/4” PVC to 1” at the FMM Flow Module. This should give me the ability to open up my 1 1/4” Herbie drain and tune it for more flow through the sump to reach the 10x turn over volume. I will also be re-purposing the old return line as a “quasi-drain” line. Or just capping it off. I’m not sure just yet.

  • Things are too tight underneath the stand and I’m pretty OCD about wiring. Initially I had made a panel on the right side to mount all my aquarium controller modules and misc. electrical stuff but it’s a dang mess and I can’t access any of it. I’m currently in the process of building an APEX Cabinet that will be next to my aquarium to mount and house my APEX, Modules, and anything Electrical. I will re-wire everything once that is complete and mount my DOS pumps either in the Cabinet, or under the aquarium, I’m not sure yet.

  • Adding lighting in the stand that automatically turns on when I open the door. I have all the required equipment, I just need to wire it up when I get space. I also am planning on buying an APEX 1Link to free up some outlets. The 1link should power both DOS’s and my COR20.

  • This Hair Algae is starting to tick me off. It not out of control but I need to sit down and figure out what the problem is. My Hanna Ultra Low Phos Reader says I have .02ppm PO4. I might just try my CUC and see if it returns after they clean it up.

Well that pretty much sums up my 1st post. I’ll update this hopefully soon with better pictures! Any comments, Suggestions, Tips are always welcome! I am new to this hobby and appreciate any help I can get!!!

Thanks everyone!

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Nutramar Foods


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Don't you love it when you think you have things dialed in then something(s) goes sideways?

I've been struggling with a couple things since I started the tank , such as low pH and dialing in my skimmer.

Thought I had both good to go but that seems to be a fleeting hope.

  • pH has been steady at approx. 8.1 and dropping to around 7.8ish in a 24 hour period. Sometimes it shoots up to 8.3 or 8.4 for whatever reason. It currently is sitting at 7.8 =/. A couple weeks ago I had purchased a CO2 scrubber and that had helped bump it up. I heard not to chase pH so I've been trying to not mind it too much.

  • My Skimmer seems to be possessed. One minute it's giving me good dark skim mate, the next day its over flowing [emoji33]. I have my water height set appropriately to give me some leeway in setting it up. I had lowered it a while back and it was working great but not so much anymore.

  • My Algae in the Refuge is doing great however this low flow is pretty irritating. Hopefully this friday I'll start be ordering the SeaSwirl to address my turnover rate through the sump. Does anyone have any recommendations on going with the 1" or the 3/4" version? My Cor20 is working good and I have a 1 1/4" herbie drain set up. - Ordered a Multi-Swirl, should be getting it first week of August which is perfect for when my vacation starts.

  • One of my finger leathers polyps haven't extended in two days. I might need to move him off of the colony I bought him on and put him in a better area. Or he's just molting. Not sure yet. All other corals are doing good. (Solved: The leather was shedding, blew it off with a turkey baster and now the Polyps are extending and looking healthy as ever)

Decided to change out the GFO/Rox Carbon in the Spyglass reactor. Only put back in GFO and am running ROX Carbon in a filter sock for the time being. When I replumb the return hopefully I'll have enough space to have a separate reactor for the carbon, we'll see.

Any help or suggestions you guys have I'd appreciate!

Current Parameters:
Alk 8.2 (Hanna Checker)
Phos .02 (ULR Hanna Checker- taken at 2am
Mag. 1290 (Salifert)
Ca. 462 (Hanna Checker)
Nitrate 10 (Salifert)
Nitrite 0 (Salifert)
Temp 78.1
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A lot has happened over the last week. Last Monday I found a ton of little white spots on my Hippo Tang and quickly diagnosed it as Marine Velvet after doing a ton of research. Tried to catch him that night but to no avail. I woke up the next morning to find not only my Hippo Tang deceased, but my Yellow Tang dead as well. I quickly caught my pair of Gladiator Clowns (which appeared healthy) and my Lawnmower Blenny and transferred them to the QT for treatment with Copper. Fast forward 12 hours later, all three of them were deceased. SO, what have I learned?

  1. Follow QT protocols to a T.
  2. Have required medications and test kits on hand
  3. Be patient and don't rush, just because the fish appear healthy doesn't mean they are.
  4. QT, QT, QT
I'm just glad I learned my lesson early in my reefing journey. The fish that I had already in QT (4 Azure Damsels and 1 Six Line Wrasse are all doing fantastic and eating. I test my copper daily and keep it at the correct therapeutic levels. I'm using Cupramine use a Hanna Copper Test to keep things at .5


Parameters as of today:
  • Salinity (switched salt to TM Pro and did a 20 gal water change) 1.025
  • Alk 8.9
  • Ca 529 (Seems a bit high, tested with Hanna Checker)
  • Mag 1305
  • PO4 .06 (Maybe need to change GFO, but its only been in two weeks)

Last weekend I finished up the Apex Cabinet and moved it inside next to the tank. Yesterday I decided I was going to rewire the tank. I had no idea how much of a pain in the butt that was going to be but after everything was said and done, I'm extremely happy with how it turned out. Shame that I don't have the space to show it off, but I know its there. The cabinet was inspired by a youtube post I had found by Reefer Gil.

Today I wired up the breakout box and made the under-cabinet lighting automatic when I open the left door and also installed a float switch in my cheap plastic skim mate holder. When it fills up about 3/4s the way up, I will trip the float switch and turn off the skimmer. I had thought about installing it in the skimmer cup but with the Curve 5, I didn't have the room for the float switch.

Hopefully this will prevent future skim mate floods onto my floor (has happened twice now) due to my stupidity of leaving the ball valve open on the skimmer drain. I'm going to leave the drain open now that I have the float installed. I'm really hoping this will prevent my skimmer cup from filling up completely and putting water into the Co2 scrubber intake that I have on the top of the skimmer cup. I've had to replace the CO2 media twice now due to water being sucked through the intake and into the CO2 scrubber.

I also moved my two DOS pumps to the right side of the cabinet now that I have room and re-did the dosing tubes.

I also think I want to move the EB8 off the ground of the Cabinet and onto the wall but that will be a project for another day. I'm not terribly concerned about water getting into the cabinet due to the lid and the drip loops I have before the wiring enters the cabinet but you never know.

Any comments are always welcome! Don't mind the GHA, I'm still battling it. For some reason I can't seem to get my PO4 under control lately.

Onto the photos:

Been busy trying to stockpile Triton as well, picked up some U-Line 2.5 Gallon Containers today. I'm planning on trying to buy a new set of Triton every pay-check to keep extra on-hand to prevent ever having an "o ****" moment of running out.

My 100GPD RODI with BRS Resin module, love it so far. Also hooked up my pump, works so much more efficient now:

and last but not least, my 40Gal RODI container. Don't mind the dust, its by the dog door =)

Thats it for tonight, thanks everyone for looking. Comments or suggestions are always welcome. I'll snag some photos of under the stand tomorrow with the lighting installed and the DOS placement.


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First of all @Bigfudge , your setup looks great, and your aqua-scape is spot on!
Secondly, I'm sorry for your losses. It's a real shame that disease and parasites seem to run rampant in the aquarium trade. It's a tough one to swallow, but press forward....sounds like you know what to do!


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First of all @Bigfudge , your setup looks great, and your aqua-scape is spot on!
Secondly, I'm sorry for your losses. It's a real shame that disease and parasites seem to run rampant in the aquarium trade. It's a tough one to swallow, but press forward....sounds like you know what to do!

@Dystinction thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. I worked hard on the aquascape to get it how I wanted it. Too bad it’s covered in algae [emoji24]


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Decided to work on my return yesterday and install my SeaSwirl during the WWC Live Sale as a cost saving measure to prevent myself from blowing all my money

All in all, it was a pain in the butt - mainly due to me having to drill out the return bulkhead on the sump to accept 1.25 plumbing (I wanted to reduce head pressure as much as possible so I started with 1.25” then reduced it to 1” at the FMM before the elbow to the SeaSwirl.

I was really hoping to get 1000gph to accomplish my 10x turnover through the sump but with my herbie wide open I was getting 700gph according to the FFM. Once I got the herbie tuned for a full siphon it says I’m getting about 540gph.

I’m not sure what the issue is, maybe I just need a bigger return pump?

Any help would be appreciated.



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Figured it would be time for a quick update::::

  • Algae has been subsiding and dying off, leaving the brown nasty remains left on my rock work. ;Facepalm

  • Since the tank is currently fallow, I've been adding corals and so far things are doing decent, minus the fact that every Chalice seems to die for whatever reason. That being said, I went a little nutty when the WWC Live Sale was going on, and spent way to much money :eek:

  • So far everything has been doing well though, as far as I can tell. The only loss I've had is the Chalice that I got from WWC a while back, along with the replacement they sent.

  • My skimmer went a little batty and filled up my DIY Skimmate locker twice in quick succession, removing about 2 gals of water from the tank. My Salinity dropped to about 1.023 so today I did some small water changes and got it up to 1.025.

  • I cleaned the COR return pump and reworked the plumbing a tiny bit and now my GPH is sitting at approx. 690 GPH according to Fusion. I think I can live with that. The original return lines that I'm no longer using I re-plumbed as a quasi-drain that goes directly into my Fuge. I have it currently working as a "powerhead" of sorts with a barbed nozzle on the end sturring up the detritus and tumbling the Sea Lettuce and Red Ogo. ---Thinking about removing all other macro except the Chaeto due to it plugging up my baffle to the skimmer section and small chunks making it down to the return, and back into my DT.

  • I'm going to take GFO offline since I'm measuring .01 P04 and undetectable Nitrate, even with throwing in a cube of mysis shrimp to keep my couple shrimps fed.
Parameters as of Today:
  • Salinity: 1.025
  • Alkalinity 9.3
  • P04 - .01
  • N03- Undetectable with Salifert (what other test is pretty accurate and easy to read? RedSea?)
  • Mag - 1470
  • Ca - 544
I'm not sure why my Alk, Mag and Ca are a little high for me. With the water changes I would have thought it would have brought them down. I'm currently dosing 45ml of Triton supplements. I was sitting steady at about 8.4 Alk last week. ---Any ideas?
Here's some Photos I took today with my Canon 70d and Macro Lense. Still trying to figure out shooting under the T5's for the right white balance.

Top Shelf Aquatics

Brent Behringer

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Tank is looking amazing! Man that sump area is tight. What made you not use the sump that came with the cadlights tank? I just swung by Cadlights in Rancho Cucamonga this am to look at this same tank. Seems like the tank and glass quality is pretty solid. Wondering how you are liking the tank, and stand quality? I am a little leery, with the stand, as I couldn't really see it first hand. I am also considering a red sea reefer 425 xl.


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Tank is looking amazing! Man that sump area is tight. What made you not use the sump that came with the cadlights tank? I just swung by Cadlights in Rancho Cucamonga this am to look at this same tank. Seems like the tank and glass quality is pretty solid. Wondering how you are liking the tank, and stand quality? I am a little leery, with the stand, as I couldn't really see it first hand. I am also considering a red sea reefer 425 xl.

Thanks @Brent Behringer , The sump area is fairly tight because its not very tall, but that being said it is manageable with pre-planning your plumbing and taking your time. I'm happy with the tank overall and was worth the price I paid second-hand. I'm perfectly happy with the stand overall. It has held up well, and the front center brace is removable so you can put in the sump, etc (just don't take it out when the tank is full because the top will sag, its doable but a pain to get it back in). I went with a different sump due to going Triton Method and wanted a larger refugium. I still have the original sump laying around here at my house. I can't comment on the Red Sea Reefers as I haven't owned one. The one thing I noticed with the red seas was the smaller sump area under the cabinet and I wanted to fit as large of one as I could. I also have my 5 gallon ATO container beside the sump under my stand (another reason its tight).

All in all, I like the tank. I'm happy with the stand, and I don't really have any complaints with the set up itself, but I already knew about the different size plumbing so I knew what to expect and how to plan for it.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Waterbox Aquariums: The Finest Aquariums