One of my Lfs recommended a Bicolor Parrot fish. They have one in their main large DT. They carry a juvinal of them about 2" in stock quite frequently. I learned that Parrotfish live very short lives in aquaria vs wilde most often less than 2 years. I decided against a Quoy Parrotfish for this very reason. I looked up the bicolor and was surprised to find that they are one of the few that does in fact survive in aquaria. What has me hesitating is that they grow up to 30" and yet all the sites that cary information on them says they only need a tank 125-150g and that just floors me. I have a FOWLR tank so not worried about corals. In fact was going to start collecting dead coral to grow algae on and then toss into DT for him to eat. I am just worried about that 30" size in a 6" tank.