Best way to manual dose


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Dec 22, 2021
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What is the easiest way to manually dose? currently I dose 5 ml alk and 5 ml cal in my biocube daily. I started by just using a syringe for each and pulling it out of the gallon jugs. They are getting low enough I won't be able to do that much longer. Is there some kind of bottle or container that I can squirt it into a measuring cup or something that would make it quick and easy. I would love auto dosers but don't the space or money for those currently. Im trying to make it the easier and not much mess (with my white alk drops I seem to get everywhere anyway. I thought about drawing up a dozen or so syringes at once but that's a pain too. (I have access to free syringes, I work at a vet office so I clean and reuse syringes that we used for vaccines and what not).

On a side note, I have a pink urchin and a pencil urchin in this tank. For whatever reason they won't clean the algae off the back wall. The pink urchin just seems to eat Coraline. My back wall was light purple and it cleared most off and regrew dark purple. Is there a better one to get?



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if you want to keep dosing manually, just add a tube onto the bottom of the syringe that lets you get to the bottom of the container. If you raise it to 5ml it will still be 5ml just will show a lot of air in it as well since you added volume to the system.

with the price of a Jebao doser you can auto dose for are $60. I have used the Jebaos for years on my planted tanks to dose ferts and have 0 issues with them. Just check them from time to time. You cant put a price on not having to remember as well as doing it at the exact same time every day for stability sake

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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