While there isn't 100% consensus on what Linkia Starfish feed on, many in the reef community believe it is biofilm on live rock. Has anyone ever tried the product Bacter AE to increase the growth of biofilm in their reef tanks? My wife and I have a 150-ga reef tank with a Cleaner Shrimp, Fire Shrimp, Small Maxima Clam, Blue-Beaded Starfish, Red/Black Linkia Starfish, and a Sandsifting Starfish. I am not concerned about the Blue-Beaded Starfish as we have trained him to eat small chunks of wild-caught shrimp with no preservatives. Based on research I have done, I think Bacter AE could help with all of the inverts, especially the Linkia Starfish. I do know that people who keep shrimp tanks advise not to overdose on Bacter AE, so I would like feedback as well on what would be a good dosing strategy for our tank.