I have literally 1000s of baby snails, only appears at night time when the lights are off. how do i get rid of them? seems to bother some of my zoas...
There are snails that eat zoanthids called sundial snails, but they are larger and have a conical cap that covers the shell opening when retracted. They pretty much stay on the zoanthid colony and probably wouldn't be found on the glass in huge numbers like collonistas.
Colonista snails look like mini turbos and only get about as big as the eraser end of a pencil. They are however harmless. Most tanks will have them because they are a very common hitchhiker, and they reproduce like crazy. They mainly come out at night. and are some times eaten by bangi cardinals, 6line wrasse, as well as other wrasse's and i have even seen my scooter blenny nibble on one.