AWC options to replace Spectrapure?


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May 16, 2017
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Nyon, Switzerland
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I've been using a Spectrapure setup for Auto Water Changes on my 1900 liter tank for almost five years now and really like the product. It is efficient and the best feature is that it is extremely quiet and can barely be heard (it sits in the sump area under the tank).

The only drawback, and unfortunately it's a major one, is the complete lack of spare parts in Europe. And the fact that even the US site is out of stock of most components for the system. In any case, if you want to order three rollers for the pump that cost maybe USD 10 they will charge you USD 100 for shipping!

One of my Spectrapure pumps has stopped working recently and after a frustrating search to find a spare without paying a fortune in shipping, I am starting to look at other options.

I have a GHL P4 setup so was thinking of the GHL Maxi Doser but even though it has good reviews everyone that uses one or has used one says that it is very loud. Same with most of the other options out there.

My tank is very quiet and was planned to be that way... Does anyone know of an AWC solution that could sit in the sump area and that can't be heard?
