I have loads of bristleworms. Don't see them as a problem. But they'd be a bountiful food source for an arrow crab, which I find an curiosity for a reef tank. Anyone have experience with arrow crabs and wrasses? My tank will be wrasse dominant, including leopard(s), medium-small Halichoeres wrasses (yellow and radiant), pencil wrasse(s) (splendens and potentially severnsi), 2x pink streak wrasses (my small ones), and a mix of flashers and fairies. Tank also has a Yasha goby/pistol pair.
Cool looking dude.
Anyone have experience with these and think there may be some problems between the wrasses targeting the arrow crab or the arrow crab targeting the wrasses? Thanks!
Cool looking dude.
Anyone have experience with these and think there may be some problems between the wrasses targeting the arrow crab or the arrow crab targeting the wrasses? Thanks!