They swim vertically in the back corner of the tank all night. They're literally sideways and hug the side of the tank.
They swim normally during the day/when the lights are on. I've had them for about three months, so they're pretty new. They eat with zero issues and are fed primarily PE Mysis and pellets. They're Ocellaris clowns and they were quarantined for 8 weeks before introduction into the display tank.
Water chemistry:
pH: 8.2
Calcium: 380
Alkalinity: 10
Nitrate: ~5 (Maybe slightly lower or higher, I find the red sea test kinda hard to read)
Ammonia and nitrite: 0
Magnesium: 1300
Temperature: 77.5-78.5
There are no visible signs of disease, injury, or distress. They look healthy, but looks can be deceiving. Are they just being weird? Is it possible they're hosting the corner of the tank?
They swim normally during the day/when the lights are on. I've had them for about three months, so they're pretty new. They eat with zero issues and are fed primarily PE Mysis and pellets. They're Ocellaris clowns and they were quarantined for 8 weeks before introduction into the display tank.
Water chemistry:
pH: 8.2
Calcium: 380
Alkalinity: 10
Nitrate: ~5 (Maybe slightly lower or higher, I find the red sea test kinda hard to read)
Ammonia and nitrite: 0
Magnesium: 1300
Temperature: 77.5-78.5
There are no visible signs of disease, injury, or distress. They look healthy, but looks can be deceiving. Are they just being weird? Is it possible they're hosting the corner of the tank?