Aquarich Aquacultures Angels - Imperator Episode!

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Nutramar Foods

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As of right now, (April 2024) the vast majority of Angelfish available to the home aquarist are wild caught, a practice we support when sustainably done and one that is vital to the well-being of many small, impoverished communities in the countries where ornamental fish export can be done. On the other side of this coin, we've also been the biggest champions of aquaculture in the hobby and have gone to incredible lengths to supply you everything aquacultured under the sun. We promised you years ago that if Aquacultured Imperator Angelfish ever became available, that you'd be able to get yourself one through a Quality Marine partner store and have kept that promise. We are beyond thrilled to offer you what is perhaps the most beautiful and sought after Angelfish in captive aquatics, aquacultured by the genius minds of our friends at Bali Aquarich.

The biggest difficulty most aquarists have encountered with Imperator Angels is that some of the wild specimens could be picky eaters. While most are fairly easily conditioned to taking prepared meals, some are difficult to convince. This potential pitfall is pretty much a non-concern for those of you lucky enough to get an aquacultured specimen from us and Bali Aquarich. Even though they are aquacultured, and quite used to processed foods, diet variety is very important for all Angelfish; here they get fed the Nutramar Algae and Color Boost Shots and Complete Pellets, which make a very complete diet by themselves, but we also feed Nutramar Ogo and Nori, and we supplement this a variety of chopped, thawed seafood from Gamma Foods. Frequently you'll come across advice saying to feed Marine Angelfish blanched vegetables, and this advice is an outdated a relic of a time when aquarists didn't understand marine fish digestion very well, and the practice should be avoided.

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