Hello! My ten gallon nano tank is hitting the one week mark. I have been ghost feeding with frozen brine shrimp and dried flake food since day 3, so far I have not noticed any signs of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate, I think. I used 4 pieces of live rock from a friends tank and the CaribSea Live Sand. I also have the seachem ammonia alert in the tank. On day 4, I noticed a very minute amount of ammonia in the tank, maybe 2ppm but not sure, as the test kit is a little difficult to read (plus my houses lighting is very yellow). Is my nitrate test reading anything at all? I can’t seem to tell, as my LFS told me it’s at 0. I doubled the amount of fish food yesterday after he told me this. Still waiting for the tank to digest it. What are your guys’ thoughts? I would like to put corals and maybe a brittle star, I know it’s still very early to add anything- just want to make sure I’m on the right track for success