Anyone using the AQAMAI-HYDOR LED lights?

AI Nero 5


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I picked these lights up used as part of the 90-gallon set-up I bought and I can't get them to connect to wifi.

When I plug them in (I have 2 as part of my set up), they power up, turn on for a second, then give me the blinking white light. All of this is supposed to happen, from what I understand. I downloaded the app and have followed the instructions. The PW worked on one and I reset the other, so we're good there.

The problem is when I try to connect to them via wifi with my phone. I keep getting an error message saying "Unable to join the network "Aqamai_LRM_yadayadayada".

Any one have any experience with these lights? I've reached out to the guy I bought them from and he's being as helpful as he can, but I'm making no progress.

Any advice?

Thanks is advance!
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I picked these lights up used as part of the 90-gallon set-up I bought and I can't get them to connect to wifi.

When I plug them in (I have 2 as part of my set up), they power up, turn on for a second, then give me the blinking white light. All of this is supposed to happen, from what I understand. I downloaded the app and have followed the instructions. The PW worked on one and I reset the other, so we're good there.

The problem is when I try to connect to them via wifi with my phone. I keep getting an error message saying "Unable to join the network "Aqamai_LRM_yadayadayada".

Any one have any experience with these lights? I've reached out to the guy I bought them from and he's being as helpful as he can, but I'm making no progress.

Any advice?

Thanks is advance!
Try Hydor app as i understand it makes connection easier. It so happens I just had one delivered an hour ago and will be attempting connection in an hour. I am hearing its a real pain but I do have High speed Inernet and latest Iphone so I hope it too helps.
I will report back once I make attempt
AI Hydra

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  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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