Any of you never have to deal with fish illness? Like me.



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Mar 16, 2022
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Besides adding fish to a tank that is newly cycled, I have never had a fish get sick other than that time period. I have one saltwater tank and four freshwater tanks (I have around 80 fish and over 15 species). I have only had three fish get sick when they were the first fish in a newly cycled tank.

I do keep medicine incase some day a fish of mine gets sick again, but I haven't had to use them in about two years (might need to go check their expiration dates now that I think about it).

Would this be down to luck? Generally good tank maintenance? Right fish for the tank size and the paired with the correct fellow fish inhabitants? Having "easy/hardy" fish? A combination of these factors?

Has anyone else had as good of luck, or even better?

Have you been struggling with illness for some time now? If so, could trying to solve the problem with tank additives, medications, and water changes actually be a contributing factor to the fishes stress and illness; or could it be some other stress inducing factor?

Here's a couple tank shots

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Top Shelf Aquatics

Paul B

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Nov 3, 2010
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My fish have not had a communicable disease in about 40 years. But before that my "luck" was horrible. :rolleyes:

I have about 40 fish now


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Oct 19, 2022
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I own 2 freshwater ponds with about 50 fish .. and 2 freshwater tanks with about 50 fish lol. I have never had issues with fish bringing in any diseases into my tanks except for a koi I bought from koifishusa that sent me a koi with carp pox but that wasn't contagious either. I would say freshwater is pretty easy and forgiving. Now saltwater on the other hand. These fish get pulled straight out of the ocean bringing all types of stuff with them. I felt like I had that "luck" you mention..added about 10 fish from petco to my saltwater tank and never had an issue or disease..then I decided to buy from different stores (very reputable sources) and it's been one attack after another. I've bought about 5 different orders of fish and in doing so In the last 4 months I've had to fight ich, flukes, brooklynella, uronema, and got to witness lymphocystis. Now I have a few fish in qt at the moment who I'm thinking they have prazi resistant flukes but I'm working on an attack plan after more observation. So yes the luck is there but luck always runs out. That's awesome that you've had great success. Way to go!!!


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2 salt water aquariums 20 fish.
currently 10 species, and I have tried 15 species.
Never had communicable disease.
Two fish died when they jumped even with a cover, three by stress/ aggression shortly after being introduced and the rest from old age.
Right fish for the tank size and the paired with the correct fellow fish inhabitants? Having "easy/hardy" fish?
I would agree with above with the addition of plenty of hiding places to make the fish more secured and less stressed.

Operation Philo Beddoe

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Nov 24, 2017
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Because I fear something bad in my tanks, I took a year to collect, QT with chloroquine and house separately 8 tangs. I ran them through the process more than once because I just didn’t want to deal with parasites. A year now and still ok.
As a Marine, I’m not comfortable with luck, I prefer overwhelming the opponent.

My Plan
Quarantine in an effective manner, I went the Adam Sandler route.
Add a ridiculous Massive UV from the beginning.
Ozone applied in an effective manner.
If you can afford it, buy fish from a professional QT operation like Thefishhotel or Marine Collectors. I recommend both.

that being said, I spent as much as I did on a motorcycle so take this with a grain of salt. Hybred-Tank to Tank method is easy enough for anybody as a starting point?

It’s all about buying yourself safety margin.


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Besides adding fish to a tank that is newly cycled, I have never had a fish get sick other than that time period. I have one saltwater tank and four freshwater tanks (I have around 80 fish and over 15 species). I have only had three fish get sick when they were the first fish in a newly cycled tank.

I do keep medicine incase some day a fish of mine gets sick again, but I haven't had to use them in about two years (might need to go check their expiration dates now that I think about it).

Would this be down to luck? Generally good tank maintenance? Right fish for the tank size and the paired with the correct fellow fish inhabitants? Having "easy/hardy" fish? A combination of these factors?

Has anyone else had as good of luck, or even better?

Have you been struggling with illness for some time now? If so, could trying to solve the problem with tank additives, medications, and water changes actually be a contributing factor to the fishes stress and illness; or could it be some other stress inducing factor?

Here's a couple tank shots

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I understand your post. There is a time we are faced with disease, injury, a condition or failure.
Prevention is the best remedy to disease practicing good husbandry, and water quality plus diet.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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Reef Breeders