I put about 10lbs live sand a dry rock in with a heater, 2 bubblers full of carbon, floss and 1 purigen packet. A piece of macro is coming with the pods i ordered. Im hoping in 6 months or so i have a population in here i can feed to my dwarf sea horses and swimmers in my big tank. Any one have an amphipod set or any suggestions? Oh i also have a nyos white light.
I put the bubblers in because im not sure if a hob is too aggressive for amphipod fry. My first run at trying to breed food.
My plan is to put water from the big tank which has ample nutrients for macro In for weekly water changes, probably a gallon a week. Feed pod flakes 2x a week and rotate the macro if the low flow doesnt really feed it. Im getting some ulva with the pods i believe. Ive read that does alright in low flow. That and cheto. Ive never messed with cheto but i have stocked sea luttuce for my fox. Any suggestions on a low flow macro would be super helpful. Any feedback or suggestions would be very appreicated as well.