Am I right? someone advise please !!!



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Ok so , 4 month old tank 20 g tall nano mixed reef. Started with live sand , live rock seachem stability and the cycle was easy. Seachem tidal 55 ran in half speed with full open surface skimmer. current USA loop orbit marine IC 6 inches off the water. Ran at 75 blue 6 red 6 green 0 white. Ramp and ramp down of an hour or 2 of 15 blue only. 2 eflex wave makers 660 ran on about 20 % each. Coralline on rocks. Fish are great
2 clowns , 2 pajamas and a Pygmy Angel. 1 tiger conch . 2 turbo snails . 4 hermit crabs.
0 ammonia
40 nitrates ( doing water changes , added stability again for the first time since set up time. Stopped feeding the fish lol , rinsed out the filter. It comes down to 20 but goes back up because of the coral tissue in the water. I’ll explain )
PH 8.2
KH 9
Salinity 0.025
Temp 80 ( steady. I want it at 78 but every time I try. I go back and forth for hours down to 78. Then after adjusting and adjusting it end up back on 80 and all that stress for no reason. )
Calcium 449
Phosphates .025 to .50 up and down
So all that said. I have some Yuma mushrooms 5 doing amazing. A Kenya with some zoathids on the base and trumpet that is an OG. Lone survivor from the original round of frags I started with. and a Kenya that’s new and hasn’t opened up yet. So here is my issue. I got a galaxy ( I did the research and had a plan lol ) anyway it looked happy and great well it started shedding. One day and worse the next it appeared to be water flow ripping it. Right then I got a leather cabbage and it looked green flowing green.m and then one morning covered in red slime peeling. Ok so there is no algae outbreak in my tank. I keep up on it and it is clean in there expect the coralline on the dry rock that I added along with my live rock. Anyway. That cabbage died. Then I got a brain coral gorgeous … looked great last night. Woke up this morning same thing peeling all its membranes ripped and skeleton showing.
mmy clowns have hosted on one of my power heads. My thought this morning is those little jerks are rubbing these corals in the dark time !!!!!!!!!!! Is this the case ???? That’s why I got the Kenya and maybe that’s why the Kenya won’t open cuz the clowns are bugging it ???? I can’t get a anemone because (I had ) the galaxy and the tank is too small. So I was think Xenia and Kenya. But are mom I right are these guys rubbing them TO DEATH n the middle of the night ????? Am I crazy ? Or is this what is happening ?
Nutramar Foods


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Sorry, but the clowns are not killing all your corals, maybe one because they love it too much, but they don't go from coral to coral to coral like that, and they don't kill them overnight either. Something else is the issue, not the clowns.
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Sorry, but the clowns are not killing all your corals, maybe one because they love it too much, but they don't go from coral to coral to coral like that, and they don't kill them overnight either. Something else is the issue, not the clowns.
Well this was from one to one. It was one at a time. Thanks for listening. I still believe that they nuzzled them raw. I’m watching them go from their power head to the Kenya right now. The big female is bigger than the drags she is trying to rub on. I am going to get a Xenia from a friend today. Maybe this will solve my problem. If not. I’ll know you were right. Im not sure. I’m just going by observation. Anyone out there think I can be right ?


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I agree with LordofCinder. Something else is going on.
Ok lol I am a newbie so I will listen and keep investigating and continue the quest thanks. I am a freshwater vet with 4 tanks but this is, literally, its own breed. I appreciate the help and knowledge I get on here

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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