Alk Swing Crisis Averted...but my Torch Coral Didn’t Like It



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Oct 21, 2015
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It had been smooth sailing so something had to test me to see if I was on my A-game right? I guess I had somehow shaken loose the acrylic tube from the bulkhead in my dosing container that contains my Alkalinity buffer. I dose 28 ml of Ca and Alk per night via my Jebao dosing pump spread out throughout the night to maintain my parameters. Today I noticed everything looked fine but all of a sudden my Torch Coral was looking much more retracted than usual. I tested my Alk and it had dropped from 11.3 dKH 2 days ago to 9.7 dKH today. I got to troubleshooting the Jebao and figured out that the acrylic tube in the dosing container had come loose (probably when I was refilling it) and so my dosing pump dosed 28 ml of Calcium but no Alk last night, which coupled with tank consumption resulted in a 1.6 dKH drop in alkalinity. That’s a pretty big swing and I think I’m fortunate that the only unhappy coral is my torch (for now...I hope), it’s also interesting that it was the first to show signs of distress. I guess I’ll use it as my visual indicator from now on and assume something is off in the tank if it looks unhappy. It looks like it can recover but it’s also looking a lot more “stringy” than usual. Thankfully everything is hooked back up properly and I added a small additional dose of buffer to raise the alkalinity back up a bit but not too much, given it’s already stressed. I hope nothing else starts to react poorly due to the swing. Has anyone else had their torch be the first coral to react to a parameter swing?
Nutramar Foods


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9.7 is not that low. It is infact higher than nature salt water. I would be very careful not to raize it too quickly if you wamt to keep it that high.

No of course not, but when everything has been used to a stable 11.3 dKH for a while now and all of a sudden there's a 1.6 dKH sudden drop, I was concerned when the torch started looking bad. I brought it back up 1 dKH in a day and the torch is back to looking great again. Everything else has looked fine the entire time. Glad I caught it within a day or two rather than not catching it and having it continuously drop big chunks at a time over a few days of only dosing Ca. We should be good to go now. :)
Nutramar Foods


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Usually drops in Alk just due to consumption don't bother corals. A 1.6dkh drop over 2 days shouldn't faze anything.

Sorry I know my post was a big word jumble. It wasn’t solely due to consumption. It was also due to the fact I accidentally created a gap between the acrylic tube inside the Alk buffer dosing container and the bulkhead. So my dosing pump stopped drawing buffer solution from that container and was only dosing a decent size dose of Calcium solution but not the equal part Alkalinity buffer, contributing to the big drop. Otherwise my parameters wouldn’t have dropped from consumption because the dosing pump is dialed in. Also no way my tank is consuming 1.6 dKH per day, it’s consuming about .4 dKH so the rest was the issue I caused. Either way, happy nothing looks upset!

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