I have a mixed reef 32 gallon biocube that I currently run one AI Prime 16HD on. I recently added a few acros and had to move several other corals off my main frag rack so that the acros get the most light, however this central frag rack does not get high enough flow to help the acros florish. I want to move the acros to the highest flow area in my tank, which is on the side panel, my issue is that this area doesn't get enough spread for the 16HD to keep my acros healthy. I am considering upgrading to a AI Hydra 32HD so that I can use my current 16HD on another tank that I am getting ready to put corals in. My other option is to find another 16HD and keep two on my main system. Two 16HDs would give me plenty of flexibility for the proper spread needed to ensure that all my corals get great lighting. I am considering a used 32HD with a mounting arm that I found locally for $230 and can test prior to purchase. Or I can purchase a used 16HD on ebay for around $180-220 and still need a mounting arm. I feel like it would be better to buy the used 32HD and move my current 16HD to my other tank that desperately needs a better light to start growing corals.
I am wondering if anyone else has used two 16HDs or a single 32HD on a 32g biocube, if so what are your thoughts to my options? Im really leaning towards the 32HD.
I am wondering if anyone else has used two 16HDs or a single 32HD on a 32g biocube, if so what are your thoughts to my options? Im really leaning towards the 32HD.