Ai prime 16hd, green LED staying on all the time


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Sep 29, 2024
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Hey everyone, new here! Started my first saltwated aquarium about a month ago. New to saltwater but been in hobby(freshwater) for about 3 years. I bought a used prime 16hd light 2 days ago and everything seems to work well exept that the green LED stays on all the time. Every other channel follows schedule and responds when I slide the settings but the green stays on. Even when I press the turn all lights off(for 1 min for example). Everything turns off but the green. Also, the indicator light on top of the fixture isnt working. I tried a factory reset, no luck. Ive been looking online a lot but no one else seem to have had that problem. My question: if I open up the light and break the green LED, or cut its wire, would the rest of the light still worl or that could make a short circuit? Any thoughts on what I should do? I dont care if the green LED wouldnt work but I can't have it ON all the time. Thanks guys!


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Sep 18, 2017
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Hey everyone, new here! Started my first saltwated aquarium about a month ago. New to saltwater but been in hobby(freshwater) for about 3 years. I bought a used prime 16hd light 2 days ago and everything seems to work well exept that the green LED stays on all the time. Every other channel follows schedule and responds when I slide the settings but the green stays on. Even when I press the turn all lights off(for 1 min for example). Everything turns off but the green. Also, the indicator light on top of the fixture isnt working. I tried a factory reset, no luck. Ive been looking online a lot but no one else seem to have had that problem. My question: if I open up the light and break the green LED, or cut its wire, would the rest of the light still worl or that could make a short circuit? Any thoughts on what I should do? I dont care if the green LED wouldnt work but I can't have it ON all the time. Thanks guys!
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