I've got a Humu Trigger and Dragon Wrasse in a 125g right now. I picked up a porcupine puffer yesterday that's about 6-7inches(my trigger and wrasse are about half that). When we first introduced the puffer he followed the trigger all the way to his den, then lost interest. The Trigger came out and swam up to the puffer and nipped at him. After that, the puffer tried steering clear but the trigger nipped at him a couple more times. I turned the lights out(which I should have done to begin with) and Trigger went into his den to sleep and has been there ever since. The wrasse hasn't been out yet, but I don't anticipate any issues from him. He's still young and doesn't cause any problems. The trigger is an...well, I can't say that word on here, but he's an aggressive one. Any tips for me when the lights come on or the trigger wakes up?