I did a quick search and couldn't find any threads on this. I'm thinking about adjusting my light schedule to start/end later in the day. As the days get longer I'm noticing the tank is exposed to more light later in the afternoon and evening (After lights are out). I also only really get to enjoy the tank on weekends vs for some time after work. I currently have them on at 6:30am with a ramp up and ramp down to off at 5:00pm.
Does anyone have experience adjusting lights? Do I slowly adjust by 15-30min a week until I get to my new schedule? Or just switch in one go. I'm assuming a gradual change over time is better?
Does anyone have experience adjusting lights? Do I slowly adjust by 15-30min a week until I get to my new schedule? Or just switch in one go. I'm assuming a gradual change over time is better?