Adding Fish


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Looking for some experienced opinions, i know every one has difference experiences...

My tank is a 240gal 8 foot long, with a diy 55gal sump.

The tank stared with my scopas tang that was in my 92 corner tank solo. Mid 2023
I then added a powder blue and 2 engineer gobies.
The tangs fought for a day or two then just let it be. No more fighting between them two.
Ok so since then, I've added
Flame Angel - Powder blue chased it a bunch but because of caves and quickness he was fine... after 1 day no more fighting...
Next, Coral Beauty - Same thing, Powder chased it, couldn't do much so just left it alone.
Next, Majestic Angel - What i saw first (maybe 2 days) was Powder chasing her and pinning her into corners - She would wait for everyone else to be done with eating (nori for example) then she would eat. Ok so she has eaten since day 1. Constantly pecking at glass, rocks, and eating nori. ( I have not seen her eat pellets but she could be, whenever I am looking at the tank in front of it, she is scared and goes to lay in her corner. Its a little scary, immediate thoughts were she is dying although she is not.
Next (2 weeks) I got an Emperor Angel - Juvenile approx 5 inches. The powder is also just about or a bit under 5 inches.
Of course she turned her attention to the Emperor (which was the plan, get a big fish she cant bully and hopes she would leave the Majestic alone who is about 3 inches)
That plan worked, she tried to bully the Emp and he didn't care, literally just flash her and ignore her.
But... I've noticed now the Scopas tang has taken over bullying the Majestic. Its been for about a week, but still i can see her eating and doing her normal stuff.
Funny thing is that when i watch via camera or from far away where they cannot see me, they all are out and swimming all the time. Majestic included. Its when i come around it seems to bother them... Meh...
I noticed, all her fins have been eaten off, and i witnessed the Scopas following her and nipping her fins.
So only the majestic is still getting bullied, it looks like it has calmed some but not completely. She just gives in and lays down in her corner when she is bothered. Not cool to see, but she looks healthy and eats/poops, has great color, no stress splotches etc...
I added a few more bigger pieces of rock I had in the sump, into the display and created a few more caves.
I still see the Scopas bothering the majestic here and there, but her fins are growing back it looks like. (when i saw bitten off, the see through sections of her fins, so the ends only)

Opinions on the above welcomed...

Now my question...

The tank is 8 Feet long... i built a few tall rock structures that go all the way up to the top of the tank and about 10 caves in total now.
I still want to get 2 more tangs - possibly Naso and Blue hippo - Goal is to get them close to 5 inches or so as well to discourage the bullying.
I also am waiting to see if I can score a Queen angel - if i find one, will add it.

Can I, Should I, add the 2 more tangs at the same time? Provided i can find what I'm looking for (5 inches or better)
If i can... should i just add all the rest of the fish together?
My thought process is if there isn't 1 singular "new guy" in the tank and there are a few "new guys" it would confuse them and minimize the fighting.

For temperaments sake
the powder is constantly swimming back and forth like a crazy fish in the currents. All day end to end in between the towers and caves or just the open channel.... I have not seen her bullying anyone specifically for long.
Scopas at times looks like the Powder is annoying her, and will give her a tail slap or try, but that's not common. She does bother the Majestic regularly, like reminding her who is boss so to speak...
Majestic is super shy or scared and will hide or lay down when I'm watching. On camera she swims all over a lot more.
Emperor does what he wants, eats, hides, grunts, occasional tail flashing but he does his own...
Flame and Coral Beauty don't care about the tangs and go where they want/need. It looks like to me... They both will go and stay next to the Majestic as to maybe encourage her to stop hiding... they are frequently around her.
The gobies are getting big, they dont care about anyone in there. They are just hogs and will get in the middle of everyone to rip some nori out. They have dug under some of my rocks and messed things up. But they are doing great.

BTW i have had a 150 back in NY that was 6 feet long. It had multiple tangs, and angels and clowns etc... Mixed reef with no issues there.

Thanks all

Fish Think Pink

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I'm glad fins are growing back.

I highly recommend use of acclimation boxes to introduce fish. It lets the new aquarium water fully get into the new fish, so they stop 'smelling new' from the old water/aquarium left behind. It lets the fish meet & greet the new fish without being able to bite the new fish. I found it best to have an acclimation box with lid and magnets that can move all areas of the tank, based on an experience where they let the new fish live ONLY where the acclimation box had been. They killed that new fish, because the new fish didn't understand that, and given my rockwork, once a fish is in, it is a protracted process to remove a fish. This is my favorite of the various acclimation boxes I have tried:

This is an acclimation guide featuring Lee Lawson of School of Fish:


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I have an XL Ice Cap acclimation box, i found it big and clunky and with rock work hard to manage. So i only used it one time. I was thinking of taking egg crate and making a large compartment i can hang from the top of the tank opening to let new fish swim, used to water etc. I will try that next time.
Appreciate the response !