I am working on adding a DIY sump to my 75g tank. Been using a canister filter for 18 months but want to upgrade. I will have a CPR overflow with the little pump that helps maintain siphon. And I bought an appropriate size return pump to match the flow (thank you to a BRS tech who helped me choose). Just have a few more things to work on.
#1 for those who have a sump, is it better to use tubing or PVC for my water lines?
#2. Since I will be adding extra water water to the system now via the sump addition, will it cause my tank to go through a cycle again?
#. What advice to you have for new people transitioning from canister filter to a sump?
#1 for those who have a sump, is it better to use tubing or PVC for my water lines?
#2. Since I will be adding extra water water to the system now via the sump addition, will it cause my tank to go through a cycle again?
#. What advice to you have for new people transitioning from canister filter to a sump?