So last night I went to the local boxing matches and took my new 70-300mm Telephoto lens and my new Flash. I knew I shake my hands way too much to shoot these free hand so I used a tripod and was 90 ft away from the ring.
I did free hand some shots in manual focus at ringside.
All shots were shot from the zoom lens, all shots were shot at S-1/200 @ F5.6 and an ISO 800. I wanted a lower ISO, but then the pics were too dark as lighting was limited. I also shot them in shutter priority (S) as the action mode was not keeping up with focusing at high speed.
Feel free to give pointers because these are my first try at shooting really fast pics. Remember all shots had people moving, especially fast at times. I actually took 192 pics and these are all that really came out with any good composition or focus. I had some great composition shots of the girl fighters, but the focus was way out.
So here is the show....
Now go in there and KILL him!!!
Just missed...
Hey! You still with me???
Some girls take it on the chin...
Yeah, I do Tae-Bo...
Keep your eye on the target...
You ready for this???
Uhmmm, Did I lose???
And what would be boxing without Ring Girls?
It was a good time, there is nothing like food, booze, Boxing, and chicks!
I did free hand some shots in manual focus at ringside.
All shots were shot from the zoom lens, all shots were shot at S-1/200 @ F5.6 and an ISO 800. I wanted a lower ISO, but then the pics were too dark as lighting was limited. I also shot them in shutter priority (S) as the action mode was not keeping up with focusing at high speed.
Feel free to give pointers because these are my first try at shooting really fast pics. Remember all shots had people moving, especially fast at times. I actually took 192 pics and these are all that really came out with any good composition or focus. I had some great composition shots of the girl fighters, but the focus was way out.
So here is the show....
Now go in there and KILL him!!!
Just missed...
Hey! You still with me???
Some girls take it on the chin...
Yeah, I do Tae-Bo...
Keep your eye on the target...
You ready for this???
Uhmmm, Did I lose???
And what would be boxing without Ring Girls?
It was a good time, there is nothing like food, booze, Boxing, and chicks!