Acclimating Corals


Drip or no Drip

  • Drip

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • No Drip

    Votes: 5 62.5%

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Fort Mcmurray
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Okay guys,
How do you acclimate corals.
I've got advice from huge shops and people, have done research, watched youtube videos from BRS and reef builders.
There is consensus that you should float the bags for temp and then Dip.
The conflicting advice is about drip acclimating. Some say its useless and some say its a MUST.

Where I buy corals, they told me to float for 10 min and then dip for 2 min and into the tank they go.


Well known Member and monster tank lover
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Aug 11, 2013
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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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Okay guys,
How do you acclimate corals.
I've got advice from huge shops and people, have done research, watched youtube videos from BRS and reef builders.
There is consensus that you should float the bags for temp and then Dip.
The conflicting advice is about drip acclimating. Some say its useless and some say its a MUST.

Where I buy corals, they told me to float for 10 min and then dip for 2 min and into the tank they go.
There will be various used by various persons. I’m not into any method of drip and I do float bags for about 20 mins under low light and place bags into a clean pail and open all the bags into the pail under ambient light
I add a cup of water every 15 mins and at 3rd cup addition do a ph and salinity test in the intended display and compare with that of the bucket. I continue to add to the bucket until salinity and ph are equalized and then do a quick dip in a large bowl, agitate in a second large bowl (salad sized) and place coral into tank under very low light high in blue


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Oct 13, 2019
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Okay guys,
How do you acclimate corals.
I've got advice from huge shops and people, have done research, watched youtube videos from BRS and reef builders.
There is consensus that you should float the bags for temp and then Dip.
The conflicting advice is about drip acclimating. Some say its useless and some say its a MUST.

Where I buy corals, they told me to float for 10 min and then dip for 2 min and into the tank they go.
Why not follow what some of the experts say. Here is a great guide from Tidal Garden.

Interestingly, World Wide Coral says to put corals into the tank as soon as the temp is same (about 15 min). They don’t like to dip right away because shipping put enough stress on the corals. They suggest dipping about a week later. I’m not sure about that

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Tenecor Aquariums