ABC Reagents Help

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Jul 4, 2023
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If you have access to ABC reagents and/or would like to get these squared away and usable by the bot reliably, then I (and Hady) could use your help. I would like to provide him as much data as possible.

For instance (and starting point for others who wish to help) this is how I tested the ABC reagents
Just record how much reagent was needed from a 1ml syringe to reach proper color and also what your current reading is, preferably with a manual test, but Bot results will work. Just need to know the brand used and if it was a "high resolution" as some test offer that.

Alk Test (more or less followed Red Sea Pro procedures)
1ml tank water
add Reagent "A" until it changes from Blue to Green (yellow indicates you passed it)
I had to use 1.34ml to achieve the equivalent of .56ml used from RS Pro. Another reason I'm only using 1ml of water for these tests.

Mag Test (Followed Salifert's procedures)
1ml tank water
5 drops from "B"
add Reagent "C" until you achieve Purple/Blue
I provided the amount for each color, but was only .1ml difference each time

Cal Test (Followed API procedures)
1ml tank water
10 drops from "C"
add Reagent "B" until you achieve Purple/Blue

So far the amount needed to achieve the color change has matched the Mag test. It could be coincidence or as one person I spoke with, suggested that Apex might be using the 1:3 ratio and really only tests one. Since the Mag/Cal test are done at the same time with the Trident. While it seems plausible, but wouldn't really work as the 1:3 ratio could get out of whack easily for reefers. So I'm not sure yet, but which is another reason I want more data points for Hady and the RK team.

So if anyone else would like to assist with their data points, just reply here with the following template or something similar that is easy to read.

(Don't have notes on me, these numbers might be off, only example)

A = 1.34ml
Current: 7.8 dKH

C - .98ml
Current: 1500

B - .99ml
Current: 440


A = ml
Current: dKH

C - ml

B - ml


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Sep 4, 2021
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Just got my Reefbot Lab in today. Just starting testing but so far it's completed an Alk test with "Results Cannot Be Determined". Prior to today I was using a Trident with ABC and an NP with Neptune. The Trident worked well and the NP was hot garbage. So If I can use ABC with Reefbot that would be great.


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Mar 19, 2013
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St. Petersburg
I've just been browsing other automated testers (considering the Alkatronic) and I've seen at least two more that are using the combined Ca/Mg reagents. Are you aware of other reagent brands that combining MG/Ca or just the ABC? I ask, because those systems look like they want you to use proprietary reagents as well.

Also, when it comes to calibration... has anyone tried using either the Imagitarium Pacific Ocean Water or Nature's Ocean Nutri-SeaWater? I've been using Natures Ocean to do water changes for more than 10 years but never once thought of testing it right out of the container.

I am using Red Sea Mg Pro in the Reefbot Lab and despite dosing MG according to the schedule from the dosing calculator I keep getting a value of 1160. The test kit is not old and doesn't expire until '26. So, how long does it take dosing MG to be reflected in a test?

And in regards to dosing calculator.... is that supposed to be what the 'Solutions' tab is for in the ReefKenetics App. If so, I cannot figure out how to use it.


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Mar 19, 2013
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St. Petersburg
If you have access to ABC reagents and/or would like to get these squared away and usable by the bot reliably, then I (and Hady) could use your help. I would like to provide him as much data as possible.

For instance (and starting point for others who wish to help) this is how I tested the ABC reagents
Just record how much reagent was needed from a 1ml syringe to reach proper color and also what your current reading is, preferably with a manual test, but Bot results will work. Just need to know the brand used and if it was a "high resolution" as some test offer that.

Alk Test (more or less followed Red Sea Pro procedures)
1ml tank water
add Reagent "A" until it changes from Blue to Green (yellow indicates you passed it)
I had to use 1.34ml to achieve the equivalent of .56ml used from RS Pro. Another reason I'm only using 1ml of water for these tests.

Mag Test (Followed Salifert's procedures)
1ml tank water
5 drops from "B"
add Reagent "C" until you achieve Purple/Blue
I provided the amount for each color, but was only .1ml difference each time

Cal Test (Followed API procedures)
1ml tank water
10 drops from "C"
add Reagent "B" until you achieve Purple/Blue

So far the amount needed to achieve the color change has matched the Mag test. It could be coincidence or as one person I spoke with, suggested that Apex might be using the 1:3 ratio and really only tests one. Since the Mag/Cal test are done at the same time with the Trident. While it seems plausible, but wouldn't really work as the 1:3 ratio could get out of whack easily for reefers. So I'm not sure yet, but which is another reason I want more data points for Hady and the RK team.

So if anyone else would like to assist with their data points, just reply here with the following template or something similar that is easy to read.

(Don't have notes on me, these numbers might be off, only example)

A = 1.34ml
Current: 7.8 dKH

C - .98ml
Current: 1500

B - .99ml
Current: 440


A = ml
Current: dKH

C - ml

B - ml
Just came across this today


  • Determination-of-Total-Calcium-and-Magnesium-Ion-Concentration[1].pdf
    139.8 KB · Views: 71


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Jul 4, 2023
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I've just been browsing other automated testers (considering the Alkatronic) and I've seen at least two more that are using the combined Ca/Mg reagents. Are you aware of other reagent brands that combining MG/Ca or just the ABC? I ask, because those systems look like they want you to use proprietary reagents as well.

Also, when it comes to calibration... has anyone tried using either the Imagitarium Pacific Ocean Water or Nature's Ocean Nutri-SeaWater? I've been using Natures Ocean to do water changes for more than 10 years but never once thought of testing it right out of the container.

I am using Red Sea Mg Pro in the Reefbot Lab and despite dosing MG according to the schedule from the dosing calculator I keep getting a value of 1160. The test kit is not old and doesn't expire until '26. So, how long does it take dosing MG to be reflected in a test?

And in regards to dosing calculator.... is that supposed to be what the 'Solutions' tab is for in the ReefKenetics App. If so, I cannot figure out how to use it.
The "Solutions" tab is for their integrated Doser which is being tested by a few and internally. I am not aware of which testers use the ABC reagents other than the Bot and Trident. Hydro's tester will use proprietary reagents to my understanding.