Breaking down one of my tanks so I can spend more time with my little one.
$900- Tank, Custom Stand/ Canopy and Custom Sump (pick up only Flowery Branch, Ga)
Other Items for Sale:
$900- Tank, Custom Stand/ Canopy and Custom Sump (pick up only Flowery Branch, Ga)
- 93 Gallon cube tank
- Custom built Stand (inside the stand has lights with a switch on the side)
- Canopy with retrofit T5 24" x2 lights
- 45 Gallon Custom sump 27" x 30" x 15 7/8"with probe holders and I think dosing tube holders.
Other Items for Sale:
- Radion XR30 G4 Pro Light- $500
- Neptune Trident (with unopened 2 month reagent + extra 2 A refills + partial B and C) (I have original box) - $500
- Neptune DOS (has power cord for wall) (I have original box) - $230
- Santa Monica Rain 2 Algae Scrubber - $170
- Tunze ATO 3155- $130
- BRS 2 Part Dosing (Unopened 7lb bags of Soda Ash and Calcium Chloride) $40
- Aqua Ultraviolet UV Sterilizer (15watt advantage, 2000+)- $90