So I just joined Reef2Reef, and said hello, and someone said I can't mention the 4 ft zebra moray that lives in my system without sharing pictures. I don't know if that's an official site rule or not, as I am new here, so I thought I would share the photos just to be on the safe side, plus what I've learned over the years of reefing about living with a zebra moray eel.
This is the best I could do.
The eel's name is Murray, and he (or she) is 12 years old (at least), as I've owned him since 2011, and he was already about 2 ft long when I purchased him. I used to feed Murray by hand when he was small, but Murray can be a little rambunctious around feeding time. If you would like to know what the sensation of getting bitten by a smallish zebra moray feels like, place your hand on a table and whack it with a claw hammer as hard as you can*. I now use tongs. Their eyesight is poor, but their sense of smell is very keen. Murray took an unexpected tumble out of the tank during our recent move in August. It won't surprise you to know that eels are, in fact, slippery, as the expression goes. VERY slippery. Eels are also really strong. The expression never said anything about their strength. It takes two full grown adults to safely handle an eel the size of Murray. Covering the eel with a blanket or towel can be used for a gentle rescue. Eels like to wander around their homes, and that may come in use if you need to perform a rescue. Murray also would like to be a vegetarian, and would be enthusiastic for Nori if I fed it to him.
This is what I think of every time he goes for the Nori clip
All joking in this thread aside, I'm curious if any other eel owners have experienced eels with a preference for seaweed? I solve this by putting the seaweed clip out for the other fish in the tank only after Murray has been fed.
This is what I used to get the above photo.
Lastly, Murray is a one-fish nitrate factory. It's not even a little. It's a LOT of nitrate to have to process. But he's a member of the family, and when I had a display tank, he was one of everyone's favorite inhabitants.
* Please do not do this.
This is the best I could do.
This is what I think of every time he goes for the Nori clip
All joking in this thread aside, I'm curious if any other eel owners have experienced eels with a preference for seaweed? I solve this by putting the seaweed clip out for the other fish in the tank only after Murray has been fed.
This is what I used to get the above photo.
Lastly, Murray is a one-fish nitrate factory. It's not even a little. It's a LOT of nitrate to have to process. But he's a member of the family, and when I had a display tank, he was one of everyone's favorite inhabitants.
* Please do not do this.