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Hey all, so I figured I should start a build thread at some point for this system. I previously had a softy-dominated 75 gallon reef (When you get to pictures, imagine those colonies packed into a much smaller tank)

Starting with what it looks like right now


I had some reinforcement installed in the crawlspace beneath the tank before the tank arrived. First up was mounting a canopy. I like the built in cabinetry look, and wanted to hide the lights, but also didn't want to sit all that weight on the tank so I went with mounting the canopy to the wall. These strips are screwed into the studs and then the canopy is attached to them

Filling it was an exciting day.


For christmas I ordered a bunch of fish. They came in the week between christmas and new years, and, I ******* knew better. I really did. But the tank briefly looked amazing.


Can I state again that I knew better? Well I'm an idiot who never listens to himself. I had an empty 75 gallon tank, still running, right there for quarantine and didn't use it. Within two weeks I had lost 80% of my fish to velvet. Now, I don't know that it actually came from the fish. Frankly it had never even occurred to me to quarantine frags, or inverts. I suppose I had always been lucky previously. I ran the tank fallow, treated the fish, and lost most of them. I began the ordeal thinking this was ich and went for hypo, which I had succeeded at before - but this time, I couldn't control the ammonia levels in the hospital tank and do to a faulty refractometer (Or just an old one) let the salinity go to 1.008. Whether it was the velvet or the salinity, I lost both tangs, my clown, coral beauty, and all but 3 chromis. By time I figured out that it was probably velvet it was too late. I treated the rest with reef rally which I've since learned was probably pointless, and only copper would have mattered. The survivors were 3 chromis and 2 engineer gobies. Frankly the gobies never seemed to give a **** the entire time. I fear they may have attained immortality. Velvet? Ich? Uronema? Botched hyposalinity? Ha, no, the only thing these guy get stressed about is not having enough sand to play in.

Here's how the tank looked during treatment, sad and empty. Cheato grew like crazy the whole time though and I got the last batch of rock in and added that.


While they were in treatment I left the tank fallow for 60 days and quarantined three new fish - a yellow tail damsel and two clowns, and successfully added them. Bolstered by this success I picked up a sailfin tang, who was eating great until he started to show signs of stress and dropped dead within 24 hours. Up until this point I had been mostly guessing at velvet. I saw a few spots, but not a coating; I saw only one symptom briefly on the yellow tang (swimming into a powerhead) but no others. I know I originally had ich (very recognizable spots) which I assume the botched hypo treatment took care of.

I picked up a yellow mimic tang and a fanged blenny, and started quarantine, and lost both to velvet - this time definitely velvet; unmistakable as both fish progressed to the peeling stage before death.

Also I learned yesterday that these diseases can spread in the air?? Seriously? Through the dang air if tanks are too close together? Well, my quarantine tank is right next to the big tank so - at this point I am assuming the big tank is still infected.

Right now all fish seem happy, and are eating normally. I have a 55 watt aquaultraviolet UV sterilizer on the tank running continuously which might be keeping any disease present in the tank in check, but of course every little spec that shows up on a fish has me pulling my hair out in worry. I also fear I may have contaminated my 25 gallon tank upstairs at some point during this ordeal.

I am currently waiting for the kit to arrive from Aqua Biomics - no new fish until I have a clean result from them. If it comes back as infected with velvet or I see the disease in the big tank I will have to break it down again to get the gobies out and put everyone through copper. Also keeping a close eye on the little tank.

Current fish stock:
3 chromis
2 darwin clowns
2 engineer gobies
1 yellow tail damsel

Generic zoas - little green ones, green grandis, armor of gods, generic bigger green ones, some kind of pink ones. All of these large colonies are about 8 years old and grown from single polyp frags except the little green ones, which started as maybe 3 or 4 polyps.
Some kind of leather?
Generic snails
There's an emerald crab or 3 in there in theory, I see one maybe once a week
Pincusion urchin (oldest thing in the tank, at about 9 years)
BTA (used to be 1, now is 4)
Couple cheap SPS frags, nothing special.
I like big colonies of polyps and would be delighted if the GSP covered all available rock so probably won't try any 'difficult' SPS like acros.
Few other frags


And the view from my home 'office':


Next step is to get some shelves inside the cabinets and finish the doors on them. 20230113_210005.jpg
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Yeah I hope to keep it looking great, and maybe I'll get a clean test from Aqua Biomics and learn the last two causalities came with velvet already. A little concerned there however because I did have them in QT for 2 weeks before they showed symptoms, and I do not know how they could have made it so long if they came infected. They never got copper however because neither fish would eat from the water column so I had them in a tank with rock. That tank is still setup right next to the display... I'm afraid to tear it down and move it for fear of contaminating something else.
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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Got the AquaBiomics kit in Friday. Did the test today so I can drop it in the mail in the morning. Fingers crossed it comes back clean.

Also test-fit the doors for the canopy -


After this I took them down, carved, and painted. They go up once the poly dries.

And got some kind of cyano or dino showing up in the corner. Guess I'm spoiling the fish a bit. Not sure which this is yet but not really concerned about it. I moved the flow around and turned this corner into a bit of a deadspot because the clowns are still tiny and couldn't take the flow.


Fast growth off all the SPS frags except the montis. Probably time soon to start testing calcium/alk and preparing to dose.


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Also planning for when I get my test results from AquaBiomics:

Disease present: Panic? Cry? Curse? ***** to my wife? I might know what it is before the results come back if symptoms present in the current fish. Right now I suspect the big three: Ich, Velvet, Uronema. If I test positive for ich or velvet, and fish are presenting symptoms, I will have no choice but to pull the rock, catch all the fish, and treat with copper in a hospital tank. Before the results even, if they show serious symptoms. If I get a positive test and the fish aren't showing symptoms at any point before the results come in... then I guess I've got it well controlled with the UV sanitizer. That gives me a little more time because the bulb is good for at least a year, and I have plenty of time to get a backup bulb. At that point I think I will run an experiment and dose h2o2. Maybe go six or eight weeks of dosing, and then do another AquaBiomics test and see what the results are.

If there's uronema present, well, ****. I understand there's no way to get rid of it except literal bleach, and that's not really an option since I've already got a lot of large colonies. So another experiment. I will frag a few pieces, pull some rock and sand, and I think setup three 10 gallon tanks, each with a slice of my reef. A couple frags of the same coral in each tank. Then I can try treating one of these tanks with h2o2 dosing, and another with clove oil, and keep the third as the control. At the end - get an AquaBiomics test on each tank and see what it says. If one of those treatments eliminates the uronema I can apply it to the DT. Only concern then is that clove oil is a fish sedative, and I'm not sure what dosage would be safe. So I would have to pull and treat the fish in copper at the same time.

No disease present: Celebrate?? Well, time to stock. I'm thinking my best bet if I want to keep multiple tangs is to add them all at once. I think I'm done with buying from the LFS and quarantining myself. I'd rather pay a little more for pre-quarantined fish and pass some of the risk off. I figure a $120 live fish from Dr. Reef is a better deal than an $80 dead fish from the LFS. Just hope he's still in business in 6+ months....!

First round of fish, I'll need to finish the mesh tops first:
Coral Beauty
Striped blenny
Six-line wrasse
Some variation of a fairy or flasher wrasse

Second round:
Atlantic blue tang
Yellow mimic tang
Scopas tang
Sailfin tang

Here's a bonus picture of an elderly minnow in my no-maintenance planted tank.


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Top doors are on. And finished the screen top. I made a feeding window in the corner - turns out getting the netting tight around inside corners is a real PITA. If I was doing this again I would reinforce the cutout on this frame somehow. It was far too easy to distort the frame while stretching the netting, making it not fit. Glad to have the eggcrate gone.



Brown stuff on the sand has appeared, basically overnight. Not too surprised, just means the sand is progressing through the uglies. Between the engineer gobies, snails, and starfish, I'm not too concerned, but I think I will have to suck out the purple slime soon. It won't stick around except in low-flow spots once all the sand and new rock I bought is mature, but until then it could spread a lot. I've got maybe 75lbs of old mature rock and 100 of brand new rock in there. Flow sensor came in so once I have that plumbed I'll be able to tell if my UV sterilizer is actually doing anything or if I've just been wasting electricity.



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Was supposed to have the aquabiomics results yesterday but the batch was pushed out until Thursday. In the meantime here is a purple BTA from my smaller tank.


This ******* decided to sting and kill a nice piece of SPS that I had previously thought to be indestructible. There's still a little of it hanging on... it might still grow back?? Thankfully I fragged it a few months ago so I have a little piece.

Hoping this guy splits at some point so I can get one downstairs in the big tank.


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I got the flow sensor hooked up finally, as part of all day ordeal to move the sump 8 inches to the left. And... if this thing is accurate, I'm getting 6.15 gallons/minute. That's just 369 gallons/hour. From a pump that is supposed to move from 1,300 to 1,500 GPH. So I was worried that the flow was too high for the UV sterilizer to be doing anything. Instead it looks like I am over-sterilizing by quite a lot. According to aquaultraviolet this is 'harmful to the platonic food supply of the reef'...

Other stuff... the clowns have grown bored with the exact center of the front glass and moved to a hole they dug in the sand bed.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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