The word on the street is that Gonis will love this set up, I have never owned one so I can not confirm yay or nay. I also did not have any part of any of this design, I will simply told what to do and did it. I give all "brain" credit to Vintage Reefer, who is pretty awesome person , and while they may have a different opinion on whether or not it should be downloadable for free, that is the part of the one with the Fusion 360 Export folder to decide. Thank you so much Vintage Reefer !
2 x 2 " Tile Frag Rack with 1 Hole and 5 Hole (think 5 on a dice) removable. Vintage Reefer's Idea not Mine by D3DPT
these will hold standard 2" tiles well. print them plat, upside down, with thin support settings to support the rack, and you can switch your plastic to make a nice line of color of pop. You can also orient the file crazy wild , and switch colors out like its the only thing you have to do at...