15 Gallon Cube Equipment / Stocking Advice


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Oct 13, 2024
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Hello all, I'm new to saltwater after keeping a variety of freshwater tanks over the last 8 years. My current equipment list is as follows,
Tank : Fluval Flex 15G AIO
-stock return pump 134 gph
-stock lighting
-Sicce powerhead 270gph
Filtration: this tank has a 3 stage system, in the first bay I have about 200 grams of fluval bio rings with a filter pad for larger debris, in the second bay I have another 300 grams of bio rings along with a stock filter sponge that I've packed with 400 grams of fluval zero carb. The third bay just houses my return pump and heater.
- ammonia test strips
-nitrate and nitrite test strips

Current Stock:
- adult pair of frostbite clowns
- 5 hermit crabs
-10 assorted snail
- 20 lbs of live rock( maybe more idk exactly)

Possible additional stock:
-royal gramma
-pygmy hawkfish
-possum wrasse
-6 line wrasse
-green banded goby
-tailspot blenny
-neon dottyback?
-purple firefish
With this final stocking addition , I would like a unique fish with unusual or interesting characteristics, that wont bother my clowns, or any other animals in my tank, and is reef safe. Please feel free to provide feedback on my ideas and give me alternatives.

Tank Goal:

I would like to eventually buy an AI blade , and grow some coral. The blade seems like a good option because it may fit my stock hood. I may also look into upgrading my return pump and purchasing an oscillating head to provide maximum flow. Currently I'm still finding the optimal placement of my powerhead to get rid of my deadspots. If there is any equipment / tools that I'm missing that y'all would recommend please lmk because I'm so excited to be getting into this new side of aquatics, Thanks for reading!!


Mr. Mojo Rising

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If you have an adult pair of clowns, you might not be able to add any other fish. A pair of adult clowns should be in a 20, so your already a little short, and clowns can be aggressive in best conditions.

I would cautiously try a RG or tailspot blenny or firefish or some other little goby and see how it goes. I would not add more than just one fish into that tank though. Just my 2 cents, good luck