Nice start but did petco or petsmart set you up with this? The algae on that 1 rock suggests this tank is super new and has not cycled as of yet before adding corals. If so it's going to be a long road ahead and good luck
i moved my old 5 gallon nano to this tank. some of the rock is new and it is doing a recycle on me. yes it is going to be a long road. the tank came from petco but that is it. i don't buy live stock from petco. learned my lesson with that in my old 240g reef. took me for eveer to get it back to ick free.
Ohh no problems with buying stuff from petco at all. Just making sure you don't rush corals and fish in a tank even though there will be a cycle in this tank. He'll my petco carries better fish sometimes than the high end lfs around here. I went yesterday and nought a yellow coris wrasse and noticed they had dwarf lionfish, naked clownfish, 1 extreme snowflake clown, some fancy white clownfish, red mandarins, powder brown tangs were among some