I guess first off, if you haven't seen me around....what, you been living under a rock?
Jokes aside, my name is Rudy (insert obligatory "Hi Rudy!!" like this is some introductory AA meeting). I have been keeping aquariums since, well, since my parents first got me one when I was 3 years old, so about 29 years. However, up until November 2018 it had always been fresh water tanks. But in November 2018, a LFS O frequented was going out of business, so they were selling all their stock on clearance. So I purchased a Corallife16 Gallon Biocube and stand. And thus started my first Saltwater Reef Tank. Here is a pic as it currently is.
Unfortunately, as you can plainly see from the picture...I am out of room for corals. Luckily (now comes the main reason for this build thread), I remembered that I have an unused 10 gallon in my closet. Seen here
Ooh. Ahhh. So shiny...and old.
So I decided to make this into another nano reef, only instead of being in my living room, it will be in my bedroom. By my bed. Sure I won't regret that later on.
So first, I of course bought some equipment. I was trying to stay under or around $200 total, so I made sure to save where I could... the lights of course. I am only planning to grow some softies, and maybe some LPS, so don't be all "That light isn't gonna work for that tank" or "You need a stronger light, buy a Kessil 360". No, no no. Stop right there. Lole I said I was folowing a budget on equipment, so if I upgrade it will be later down the road, maybe after a raise or promotion (my boss says I am due for one this year, so fingers crossed). So the equipment I bought is:
1. Fiji Cube 10 Gallon AIO kit 2nd Gen (I asked them if they still had ant as I wanted the media basket, so they sent me one)
2. Fiji Cube 115gph Pump (I can always switch it out for something stronger later)
3. USA Current Marine light - like I said, it works for what I want, and I can always upgrade it later
4. 100 watt adjustable heater
And since I keep accidentally hitting "Post" or "Save". Let me end this here and continue in a second post om this thread before I royally screw something up.
Jokes aside, my name is Rudy (insert obligatory "Hi Rudy!!" like this is some introductory AA meeting). I have been keeping aquariums since, well, since my parents first got me one when I was 3 years old, so about 29 years. However, up until November 2018 it had always been fresh water tanks. But in November 2018, a LFS O frequented was going out of business, so they were selling all their stock on clearance. So I purchased a Corallife16 Gallon Biocube and stand. And thus started my first Saltwater Reef Tank. Here is a pic as it currently is.
Unfortunately, as you can plainly see from the picture...I am out of room for corals. Luckily (now comes the main reason for this build thread), I remembered that I have an unused 10 gallon in my closet. Seen here
Ooh. Ahhh. So shiny...and old.
So I decided to make this into another nano reef, only instead of being in my living room, it will be in my bedroom. By my bed. Sure I won't regret that later on.
So first, I of course bought some equipment. I was trying to stay under or around $200 total, so I made sure to save where I could... the lights of course. I am only planning to grow some softies, and maybe some LPS, so don't be all "That light isn't gonna work for that tank" or "You need a stronger light, buy a Kessil 360". No, no no. Stop right there. Lole I said I was folowing a budget on equipment, so if I upgrade it will be later down the road, maybe after a raise or promotion (my boss says I am due for one this year, so fingers crossed). So the equipment I bought is:
1. Fiji Cube 10 Gallon AIO kit 2nd Gen (I asked them if they still had ant as I wanted the media basket, so they sent me one)
2. Fiji Cube 115gph Pump (I can always switch it out for something stronger later)
3. USA Current Marine light - like I said, it works for what I want, and I can always upgrade it later
4. 100 watt adjustable heater
And since I keep accidentally hitting "Post" or "Save". Let me end this here and continue in a second post om this thread before I royally screw something up.
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