zoo med

  1. L

    50 gallon low boy stock options

    Hello everyone, I am currently going to be starting my 50 gallon lowboy tank so I am just wondering what you guys recommend for stock options the tank dimensions are 48 x 24 x 10 I would really like one showpiece fish like a small tang but not sure what I would go with really looking for your...
  2. C

    Frag Build My Zoo Med 50 Gallon Low Boy Build

    So I cam across a zoomed frag tank at my lfs for $150 and I had been looking at doing a frag/growout tank for some time so I decided to buy it. I am still deciding on how I want to set it up but i figured I would post pics and update as I go along. My plan is to drill two holes for overflows...
  3. tippin.turtle

    Build Thread Zoo Med "Low Boy"/Deep Blue -160 gallon frag tank system

    My build has been three years in the making and yet, still not complete. That said, the past few months I've been pushing harder to get it closer to completion. My goal is to have this wrapped up in the next 4 months or so, at which point, I can finally add some water and start the cycling...