
  1. J

    Kentucky Live Goods Zoa Pack 12 Frags $160

    Selling zoa packs with 12 frags for 160 dollars shipped. standard doa. shipping with zen reef cups with a cold pack in a cooler box.
  2. K

    Zoa not opening

    Hello, I recently got some zoas yesterday. All of them opened really well and seem to have acclimated quite well the tank. Although, one Zoa hasn’t open yet. I’m a bit worried about it. I heard that sometimes it can take days for zoas to open. I just wanted to see if there is something I can do...
  3. CRath

    zoanthids open like umbrella and melting

    Hi there, I cannot figure out what is happening to my magician zoas. They are opening in that weird umbrella way and are starting to melt. My only suspicion is the burning blossoms that are growing into them. I did have one magician dethatched from the colony, but the rest have stayed put. My...
  4. A

    Zoa ID

    Hello I am just wondering what type of zoa I have in my tank,i purchased it about a year ago and I still do not know its name, thanks for your help.
  5. ssavatt

    How can I encourage my zoas to eat?

    I tried to feed my zoas some crushed pellets and all my other coral responded well but my zoas instead got mad and slimed all over. I’m wondering if anyone has some tips for getting a feeding response from them.
  6. BighohoReef

    Zoanthid ID'ing - R2R Database

    Folks there is great DB on here for Zoanthids. Wondering how we can keep this at the top for people to see it, Keep it updated an keep it safe :) https://www.reef2reef.com/showcase/categories/zoanthids-jps-database.3/ Keeping R2R up to date one thread at a time :)
  7. J

    What is this??

    Can someone help me out. I picked up a zoa rock today and during the freshwater dip I noticed a small light blue shimp looking creature fell off as well as a bunch of debris.
  8. scubasteve80

    Zoa Pox? Also if you want to ID, that's cool too.

    Hey fellow reefers. I have a zoa colony and another single polyp that have white spots and I am not sure if they are just the way these are, or if it is a bad case of zoa pox. The polyps act happy, and are growing rapidly. I got these super cheap, so am ok with dumping them if they are going...
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