zoas closing

  1. N

    Zoas not happy please help

    I just noticed today that’s my gmk zoas weren't very happy and had something brown on the stalks of them, I have no idea what it could be any guesses?
  2. Cantusaurus

    Best bacterial dips for closed Zoas

    Hey, I have some Kung Fu Fighter Zoas. They started decent (only opened like 80%) but then suddenly closed up entirely for about 2 weeks, and they were shedding a bit. Now they have a bit of film algae or something growing on them. I've brushed them off and basted them a couple times, but it...
  3. L

    Hello Something is wrong with my zoas.

    Help!! I have had my zoas for about 2 weeks now. For the first week they were doing great, opened right away, polyps fully open and great color. One day they just suddenly didn’t open one morning and have not opened for a week and a half now. I am really worried because I have searched...
  4. frisky_polyp4250

    Are these zoa eating nudi eggs?

    Hello friends! I have never been able to keep zoas super happy. This is odd because my tank is mostly sps corals now, and they are all growing and coloring up really well. So I am thinking that I have a pest of some kind that is bothering my zoas. I decided to dip all of my zoas today and then...
  5. Reefer37

    Why Can't I Keep Zoas?

    I just want to know the secret. I've had my tank running a year now and I can successfully keep most everything I've tried except zoas and acans. I'm not sure what it is with my zoas but getting them to grow is like pulling teeth. I'll be lucky to get a new polyp every month or so. It's been...
  6. K

    10g nano lighting & zoas

    I am wondering what is the best lighting for a 9.6 gallon nano tank without totally breaking the bank. Honestly I don’t even know what I have now, but it seems to be keeping my acans and Xenia very happy. I want this tank to be full of zoas, mushrooms, acans, maybe a hammer/torch. Stuff along...
  7. lazycouch

    angry zoas??

    hey everyone i’m new here and new to the hobby. i just purchased 3 zoa frags about 2 days ago and realized there was some bubble algae that hitchhiked around the stalks. today, i decided to pluck them off outside of my tank (without having them pop of course) but after doing more reading on...
  8. DSFa

    Zoas not opening

    Hi guys, I've got 6 zoa frags I had fragged myself from a friends tank, For some reason only 2.5/6 frags have opened up, the half frag is a zoa with 2 polyps but only one is opened other is closed. Frags are all glued to the same rock about 3cm's apart from each other give or take. the 2...
  9. Madonia

    Angry avocado Zoa head not opening

    Hi guys. First post ever here. I recently got into the hobby. I have a bio cube 32 tank. Running the stock lights as well as a pretty powerful 10 inch LED additive light. Recently got some corals (zoas frag pack) from WWC. One of the zoas (angry avocado) has 5 heads. 2 of them aren’t opening...
  10. O

    My new zoas and palys are tacoing.....

    So over the last few days I noticed some of my zoas and palys are tacoing “folding in half” while others are doing just fine. The ones that are having the problem are at the top of the tank. The ones that aren’t are at the bottom. And all my other corals are doing just fine. I noticed this...
  11. M

    Closed Zoas

    I bought some zoas yesterday and when I put them in my tank, they opened immediately. Today, they are closed and I’m not sure why. All of my other coral are doing great and so are my fish. My water parameters are all good too. Any suggestions?
  12. P

    What's wrong with these zoas?

    I've had this colony for about 2.5 weeks. It was drip acclimated and dipped in Bayer. Initially, everyone was open and happy, but over the past week or so, a couple of areas have started closing during the day, nd some are half open. I can't see any obvious growths, spots, etc on them, but the...
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