zoanthid help

  1. B

    Zoas recently closed and looking like nubs

    My JF stargazer zoas have closed up and look like nubs. They don’t look just closed, they almost looks like they’re losing their skirts or something. they looked similar to the purple monster zoas behind them a week or two ago. Parameters are in within normal ranges except for...
  2. N

    Possible Transparent hitch hiker

    There is something semi transparent under one of my zoanthids, anybody know what it is
  3. L

    EMERGENCY Are these asterina starfish eating my zoanthid??

    My zoanthid has looked worse and worse over the past couple weeks and I just noticed there are little asterina starfish all over it. Is there any correlation???
  4. NSS

    Zoas Struggling

    I'm having trouble figuring out why some of my Zoas are struggling. I have a mixed tank and everything else (SPS, LPS, Softies and BTAs are doing great and growing). I have a bit of Cyano that is only giving my encrusting Monti a bit of trouble. On the image I've labeled 8 clusters where some...
  5. kdtorgy

    Zoa attacked by Asterina Starfish

    My new zoa frag was doing well until I found an Asterina starfish attached. Starfish couldn’t have been attached for more than 12 hours. Removed carefully but frag still looks bad after 3 days. Any suggestions on helping it get healthy? I dose ReefEnergy AB+ every other day.
  6. M

    Most-likely culprit for Zoa Armageddon?

    My frag tank is losing zoas fast. Who is the most likely culprit? I have inspected those suffering and those still healthy and see no nudis, eggs, spiders, or pox. My parameters are all good to great. Those that are afflicted go from okay and open to closed completely overnight, and after that...
  7. S

    Growing sedintary hitchhiker bothering Zoanthid

    I have an interesting hitchhiker I would like to identify. It has been growing here along side this zoanthid and sponge. Originally when I placed the frag I had dipped, brushed and thought it free of all but the sponge which I decided not to bother removing. However a few months later noticed a...
  8. A

    ZOA colony looking BAD!…Help please :(

    Hi everyone! I am a new tank owner and new to the forum. I have had my tank up and running for the last few moths and have added coral slowly. my first coral ended being a colony of zoas, mushrooms and clove polyps. Over the last month my zoas seem to have lost there color, began getting...
  9. J

    Weird grey/clear dead dianthus growth

    Does anyone know what’s up with this small zoa colony? It seems to be growing but what’s growing doesn’t grow heads.
  10. Baldee

    Zoa Removal

    I recently purchased and received some new zoas. I performed a series of dips prior to them entering my tank (fresh water, coral rx, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and a thorough rinse between each). They all recovered (even the AOIs that would not fully close) but after about a week and a half, I...