
  1. Cire

    My 5 year old Yellow Tang experiencing Tail Fin Recession

    I appreciate any help in advance. My Yellow Tang (who has been with me for 5 years and counting) is experiencing tail fin recession. First I thought he got in a scuffle with my Maroon Clown, then I noticed that there are a couple of orange "dots" on the its tail. My "hospital tank" has...
  2. J

    can wrease get along with most fish reason being i have few fish what im think of getting wrease

    can wrease get along with most fish reason being i have few fish what im think of getting wrease to go along with it i have kole eye tang yellow home breed tang also rabbit fish 2 clown fish ice ones 1 damels and one scooter blenny and also one star fish was thinking about get some sort of...
  3. B

    Toby Puffer Nipping Yellow Tang

    I have a 100 gallon FOWLR and recently added a small Hawaiian Spotted Puffer. Within 24 hours of his addition, I noticed a good chunk was missing from my juvenile yellow tang’s dorsal fin. The yellow tang was not thrilled about the puffer being added to the tank and was harassing it so I’m...
  4. A


    my husbands been maintaining the tank and doing everything he's always done and nothing new has been added to the tank. noticed a few weeks ago he was starting to get sick and thought he had a bacterial infection. started to think he got better because his appetite came back (he wasn't eating at...
  5. Jerlet80

    Yellow tang

    I have had this tang yellow tang for 4 months now and all the sudden he stopped eating. All water parameters are in check and all other fish are fine. I feed LRS herbivore blend and nori and all was good until now. I also just got some Mastic to try and he didn’t even attempt to eat it. Sal =...
  6. B

    Yellow tang up in flames

    My yellow tang developed whatever this is almost overnight. Woke up to it laying on the bottom and died shortly after. Anyone know what the disease that caused this is? And if i have to quarantine my other fish now. My water parameters are all optimal i test every single day.
  7. RosieReefing

    Yellow Tang Stressing??

    Hello there, I have the yellow tang for half a year now and recently I’ve been seeing him have these transparent white-ish color on his body and today I can his vein. Is it because he is lack of nutrition?? (Due to the pandemic, I could only come to my workplace, where I have my fish tank, to...