
  1. Ashtaroth

    Tang in 55?

    Would a yellow tang be ok in a 55 gallon? Is this a dumb question ?!
  2. Eag808

    Yellow tang stopped eating and is getting skinny, suggestions?

    I’ve had this yellow tang for almost a year and never had any problems. I moved him to a bigger tank about a month ago and he was fine till about 4/5 days ago he stopped eating. And is starting to look skinny. I’ve tried different foods soaked in garlic, nori, red macro algae and still nothing...
  3. D

    Fish Stock Question.

    Hi guys I currently have a 160 gallon 4ft long reef tank with the stocking listed below. I would like to also purchase a yellow and tomini tang but am unsure if this would be over stocking the tank. Nitrates and phosphates dont appear to be an issue as they're both reading 0 although I do still...