yellowtail damselfish

  1. This1Guy

    Complete 32G Cube Reef Setup for Sale – Live & Dry Goods Included

    Package Price: $1,800 FOR SALE a 32-gallon cube display from Fiji Cube. With it a sump and freshwater top-off tank in the stand along with necessary equipment to keep the tank running. The display tank is currently torn down (current state pictured below) with remaining coral/fish for sale...
  2. 20 Pills

    Marine Shrimp/Star Suggestions?

    So I have a 5 gallon nano tank that currently has a yellowtail damselfish, 4 blue legged hermit crabs, a turbo snail, and a nassarius snail. I've been wanting to get a shrimp but I don't know if the damselfish will get along with it, or if it presents a danger to my crabs. I also have a GSP...
  3. steveschuerger

    Massachusetts Livestock Trade 2 Yellowtail Damsels free to good home. Shipping not availa

    I have 2 Yellow Tail Damsels that I need to re-home. The reason for this is the little buggers have developed a taste for Acropora. Don’t bother anything else. So if you are in the metro Boston area and are willing to take them in, I’d be grateful. Otherwise I’m probably going to see if lfs or...
  4. ComradeCactus

    Yellowtail Damselfish Disease? Help!

    Hi I was wondering if my fish have some kind of disease and if can cure it, first time i see it was today, i bought him about little more than a week ago. :(