yellow watchman

  1. A

    Yellow Watchman and Royal Gamma Issues

    I have a 1.5 year old 16 gallon mixed reef tank. I have read several threads talking about royal gamma aggression and that it normally calms down. My question is where do I draw the line? I recently added a yellow watchman and the royal gamma has really been going after him. The watchman seems...
  2. ajtomase

    Watchman goby question

    Has anyone experienced a watchman goby burying themselves in a part of the tank where you can't see them? I'm thinking about one being one of the first fish in my tank, but I'm worried they'll end up in a tank I won't be able to seem them (especially paired with a pistol shrimp).
  3. jackalexander

    YWG Quarantine

    So i’ve been treating my yellow watchman for a bacterial infection with metroplex for about 3 weeks now and his behavior seems to have improved along with his overall health. I’ve noticed that his actual wound hasn’t healed significantly and metroplex states that it can only be dosed up to 3...
  4. Eve

    Goby and Saddleback

    Okay guys, so I know saddleback fishies are aggressive or at least semi aggressive. Lately, I have been noticing that the saddleback has been bothering the goby and pistol shrimp, but not attacking the goby, just getting next to him and just swimming around him. However, the saddleback it is...
  5. D

    Yellow Watchman Goby - pairing and turning white?

    recently got a fellow watchman goby and a small shrimp to pair in my tank. The shrimp has a nice burrow under a rock but after a week the shrimp and goby have not found one another / started to pair, any way to encourage this? Also noted the goby’s color in some patches has changed from yellow...
  6. Nikko

    Is This Even Possible???!!!

    I have a 90 gallon tank with a mature tank full of live rock packed with corraline algae. Very healthy parameters and has been going great. My tank has the following inhabitants which have all been in the tank 9-12 months and have been very very healthy. Two frostbite clownfish Hawaiian...
  7. Sarah007

    Burrow/Tunnel contruction

    Hello, I thought I'd share the results of my burrow build for my watchman/pistol pair. In my previous tank I used PVC pipe cut down the middle to accomplish the same thing. I wanted to make something that looked more like a natural cave system this time. They have been living in the burrow...
Aquarium Specialty