yellow fiji leather

  1. Vincemal27

    Live Goods Amazing LPS For Sale (HG Torch, True Yellow Goni, Scolys and MORE!) Free shipping avaiable

    Have a ton of nice healthy corals up for grabs! Shipping is available, price on everything below includes shipping. If you get more than 1 item the shipping price will cut in half and can do free shipping at 350. Unique Warpaint Scoly 2.5"-3"- 340 shipped True Yellow Goniopora Frag 1.5"- 159...
  2. R

    Yellow Fiji, hammer, and toadstool FS

    I’m trying to clear out what I have on my sand bed as I’m trying to keep only things on my rock space and nothing on the sand. I'll post some photos later today or pm me. Location: 60634 Australian toadstool green base 3.5inch wide (30 obo) Yellow Fiji leather I got from reefer_nyc while on a...
  3. DIYreefer

    Texas Live Goods All sold!

    All sold. Please close.
  4. RobertN

    Why are Yellow Fiji Leathers More Pricey than Most other Leathers?

    Hi All-- I am interested in getting a yellow fiji leather, but it seems they are typically at least $50. In looking at them, I would make a guess that they could be fragged by simply cutting off a piece of them and gluing it to a plug, similar to a toadstool. Perhaps I'm wrong? I see...