
  1. N

    Worried about small yasha goby

    I have two tanks, a 10g and 20 gallon, the 10 gallon is set for dwarf seahorse environment yet I don’t have any at the moment, while the 20 gallon is my main display having two clowns and a fairy wrasse I recently bought a small Yasha goby, he is currently in the 10g inside a small container to...
  2. Holmzie123

    Nano Build Fish Selection

    Hey all, this is my first time starting a post but figured I'd look for some feedback on my reefing plan. My current fish stock is 2 snowflake clowns, tanaka's pygmy wrasse, and a tailspot blenny. Plus a cleaner shrimp and small clean up crew. I plan on getting sexy shrimp and a goby. Possibly...
  3. Yasha Goby & his plus one

    Yasha Goby & his plus one

    Pair at my LFS made me have to get them
  4. Chica-137

    Pink spotted watchman goby aggresion

    Has anyone had experience with their pink spotted watchman goby showing aggression to other burrowing gobies? I want to get a yasha goby for my 22 gallon tank (45 gallon water volume with sump). My pink spot has not shown aggression when my purple Firefish hides/sleeps in his burrow. I just...
  5. DooDeeReefer

    Yasha goby dying suddenly before my eyes, please help

    Please help!! I’m new to reefing and I’ve had a small yasha goby for 28 days now, he’s been in qt and was doing very well. Yesterday he seemed a bit lethargic for his pm feeding. Then ate some food and immediately spit it out and started breathing hard. I checked the water. Temp 79 ammonia-0...
  6. liam’s little reef

    Yasha Goby gone K.I.A?

    Hello Everyone, About 3 days ago I purchased a Yasha Goby and Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp. The Yasha was Quarantined at LFS with copper treatment for 2 weeks (don’t have my own qt setup at the moment) and he was the only fish in the tank. I took the pair home, dripped them both for about 1 hour...