yasha goby

  1. alishasreef

    Midas Blenny and Goby comparability? 31G

    I’ve read in the past that blenny and goby shouldn’t be together, however recently I have read that as they occupy different space they get along fine? Any experiences/suggestions? I have plenty of live rock, caves, holes, ledges and areas that break apart the whole tank. If this could work...
  2. T

    Nano Build Fluval Spec III 2 Gallon Mixed Reef

    I have failed at keeping corals in four past tanks. Two separate 5gallons, a 13gallon, and a 25gallon. Mostly due to my ignorance and, if I may call it an excuse, life in general. After 5 years in this hobby, I finally decided to join this community after seeing all the helpful comments and...
  3. W

    Separating a Yasha Goby and Candy Cane Pistol?

    Hey Guys so I am in a weird situation where I bought a yasha goby-candy cane pistol shrimp pair but I'm left with the decision if I want to put the candy cane pistol in the quarantine tank with the yasha or put the candy cane pistol in the actual reef tank and just separate the pair, would this...
  4. C

    Multiple pistol shrimp?

    Hello everybody, I am setting up an IM Nuvo 10 gallon nano, and for my stocking I was wondering if I could keep 2 Randall’s pistols and a yasha Goby together. I’m not sure if the two pistols will fight? Most people it seems to work out for them but I want to make sure, thanks.
  5. nanonøkk

    yasha goby and japanese snapping shrimp question

    ok so it turns out my tank needs more live stock so i decided to finally get a yasha goby and after a while of looking i saw that people where saying they could pair with one of these which i ordered and now after reading a lot there’s a lot of it might kill the fish and it might not so any help...
  6. SpendoEndo

    The Pico Squad

    The show piece live stock in my 5gal pico :D Got a good pic of em chillin together
  7. adamlodge14

    Fire shrimp aggressive?

    Hi! I just received my first fish for my 15 gallon today, yay!! I got a Yasha goby. Tomorrow I am picking up a Randall’s pistol shrimp, and was wondering whether it’s a good time to put a fire shrimp in the tank? Are they aggressive? Will they become territorial?
  8. adamlodge14

    Goby and blenny compatibility

    Hi, I have a Fluval evo 13.5 and was wondering whether a Yasha goby, tailspot blenny and neon goby would all get along together, thanks. This is my tank.. it has lots of live rock
  9. j.register3

    Fluval EVO 13.5 Gallon: 4 Month Old Showcase

    Just wanted to share some pics of the nano today. Still got some work to do, but at 4 months old & my first saltwater tank, I am very proud! All the fish are happy/healthy & 95% of the corals are thriving. Fighting the last bits of cyano after consistently overdosing Red Sea AB+ for about 2...
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