wrasse disappearing

  1. B

    Leopard wrasse hiding for days after adding Melanurus.

    I’ve had a juvenile leopard wrasse in my tank for about 2 months now. Doing great and always fat. I just added a larger male melanurus wrasse the other day and when she saw him she ran for the hills. Even though he showed no signs of aggression at all towards her. She hid in the sand bed for a...
  2. J

    Yellow Coris wrasse hiding under the sand

    I added a Yellow coris wrasse to my tank yesterday and I put it in the tank and my melanarus wrasse was acting slightly aggressive towards it. I had to leave and once I came back the fish was gone. It has not come out from under the sand and I am wondering how long it can stay under the sand...
  3. dnledman

    Pencil Wrasse sleep schedule

    1 week ago I got a pencil wrasse, so far, so good, except it is always asleep in the sand bed before dinner. I have my pumps set up to slow down at 7pm and literally everyday at 6-6:30 it is in the sand bed. light cycle starts at 11am, lights aren’t on fully till 1pm, lights start to cycle off...
  4. KM Wrasse

    Leopard wrasse hydrogen sulfide??

    Hello I have a 93 gallon mixed reef cube with a deep sand bed of about 3-4” in the back and only about 1” in front. I have had several newly added divided leopard wrasses that were very active and eating suddenly disappear? And I just had a new one that was swimming normally and exploring...