
  1. daniel_mourra

    EMERGENCY Foxface with weird ulcer like spot on skin

    Hello My Foxface was in Copper Power Treatment (at 2.5 ppm) for 14 days due to an ich outbreak. During Copper Power Treatment i dosed the water with 200 miligrams of Nitrofurazone to avoid any bacterial infections and did 100% water changes every 3 days. The last day QT i noticed a spot like a...
  2. R

    Tang open wound treatment

    Hello all, Hoping to get some advice. Just received an order of fish that included an Algae blenny, Tomini tang and a few other smaller fish Everyone has been in a quarantine tank for 3 days so far. Just noticed a wound on the tomini tang and not sure if this could be uronima or a bite from...
  3. L

    Help! My fish has a damaged fin, and she's not eating

    The day before yesterday, Gem got stuck on the heater... Her fins are better now, but when I was feeding them today she couldn't quite swim up to eat the flakes. The flakes float so her buoyancy when trying to eat them wasn't the best. So I gave them another portion. I thought she ate, but she...
  4. Deathling

    Sick Clownfish

    I bought this clownfish 5 days ago, initially noticing a small, flat, red dot on his lower jaw and thinking it was a birth mark. Each day it has become more imflammed/enlarged, he has been eating consistantly and behaving normally untill today where he is quite reserved and timid. Additionally...
  5. J

    My royal gramma has flesh wounds

    As you can see there seems to be small pale spots on my gramma. If you see it in person the royal gramma looks like it has flesh coming out. My neon blue cleaner fish keeps trying to clean the gramma but I don’t know it it’s just hurting the gramma more. Any ideas of how to let the gramma get...
  6. BloopFish

    Something eating fish while sleeping? Or infection?

    Woke up this morning to see my firefish with a red rash. Before this morning he already had some fin damage from a bully clownfish, which I have rehomed a week or so ago. However, this morning was particularly odd because not only was there a red flesh wound? that appeared, the fins seemed to...
Tenecor Aquariums