worm id

  1. R

    Yet another weird worm: White/Gray body with black stripes, black tail

    I've noticed there are a lot of posts about worms already but I don't have time to check each one. So sorry but here's another one! Backstory: Bought a bunch of macroalgae from Gulf Coast Ecosystems and noticed a weird worm still alive between a bunch of branching Coralline algae. When I poke...
  2. K

    Elastic worm on reef rock

    Had these guys start to takeover my tank anyone know what they are? They are about 2 inches and extend and retract their body to eat and have very small hairs on them like a bristle worm.
  3. J

    Strange worm?

    I’ve never seen any bristle worms this hairy? Any ideas??? Thanks, Joe
  4. H

    EMERGENCY what the heck IS THIS?????!!!!

    Found a red slimy worm that has stringy extensions could be a spaghetti worm but never seen one red. Sifted through the sand to see if there was more and didn’t see any so far. This one found going after my torch.
  5. R

    ID this little worm hep?

    Found this worm looking thing on the glass? Looks like it survived a dip at some point, very dead now but thinking where is the other 100? Thanks!
  6. H

    Aiptasia or some sort of worm?

    Just noticed this and I think he has a little friend. Is this the start of aiptasia or is like a feather duster?
  7. MischiefReef

    Spider Web like worms

    Hey guys, thanks in advance for any help. I’m hoping for some help IDing a wormlike hitch hiker based on description alone. I apologize I did not manage to get a photo of this thing as it only seemed to come out after lights off and it was super thin, the camera would not focus. I will try to...
  8. CrazyDuck959

    Unknown Worms Living On Zoa Corals!

    Hello Everyone, So I am currently concerned but not too concerned about these weird pests that I have found living on my Zoa Coral. I am not sure exactly what they are but I would like to figure that out sooner then later. This way I can take care of it if needed. So far from what I have...
  9. G

    What is this centipede-like bug? Are they harmful to fish?

    Hello, I recently started noticing 2 small white centipede like “bugs” on the glass of my tank. They have antennaes, many “feet” like a centipede, move slowly, and are completely white. The bugs are very small but still bigger than pods. My tank has been fallow for 8 weeks now following a...
  10. JaFish720

    Parasite on emerald crab

    Any ideas what this is. It doesn’t move and I can’t scrape it off. Just got him from the store
  11. HappyAzula

    What worm came with my coral? ID

    I got these pipes on my coral looking like a vein. It just came about 1 week ago on it. Will it harm it and how can i get rid of it? By movement or light, it pulls inside. First pic its out nd 2nd pic its hiding inside. thanks!
  12. W

    Can someone help me identify this hitchhiker.

    Just saw this floating around in the bottom of my bare bottom tank. Took it out for some inspection. Included pictures of what I would along with the rock if that would help identification. Thanks!
  13. elm03

    Yucky Worm

    Hi! I noticed a nasty lil worm thing moving, inching its way out of a hole in the rock. Obviously I was curious to see what the heck it was so I turned the tank light on and it shrunk back in the hole. I'm new to saltwater tank keeping so I just want to make sure this isn't a harmful parasite of...
  14. C

    Blue worm/ shrimp looking thing

    Cleaned out my HOB filter today and found this guy on the filter. Never seen anything like it before. Currently the tank has a six line wrasse, a diamond goby, and a couple hermit crabs. Tank is 29g also, any idea of what it could be?
  15. T

    Vacant reef tank suddenly full of worms

    My tank was taken down by a parasite, and after losing all my fish, I let it sit for a few months. No, I’m looking to get back in. I need to do some major maintenance. As I am beginning to clean and replace the water, I’ve noticed my tank is now infested with some strange worms. Should I...
  16. LandlockedZissou816

    My tank has been violated

    Any idea what this little worm thingy is?
  17. TheFruitGoon

    Weird Worm Thing? Help!!

    Hey guys! My friend found this weird critter in their tank and we have no idea what to ID it as. Looks like some type of worm. Unfortunately there’s no pics of it in the water but I’ll attach a couple of pictures from outside of the tank. The spikes along it move almost like an urchins spikes.
  18. S

    Puffer fish has something under his skin

    Hey guys anyone have any clue what this could be on my puffer? I treated the tank with parasite meds but I’m a beginner and I don’t know what’s going on I want to help him I have no clue how to please if anyone has any suggestions it’s getting darker and has been about 2 weeks since I noticed it
  19. busyworks

    Does anyone have an ID on this worm?

    I found this worm in my tank today. Maybe 3-4inches long depending on how it's stretched out. Very skinny, and white with long hairs coming off the sides. The hairs are longer and further apartment than say a bristle, or fire worm. I've tried to identify it, but haven't been able to. Just...
  20. J

    Worm Id hitchhiker

    I found this worm in my tank a week or so ago. I decided to pull it out tonight to get a better look at it. I don’t think it’s a bristle worm. I’m worried it may be a bobbit worm of some sort. Can someone ID? And tell if it’s dangerous or not. Thanks.
  21. P

    Found a bobbit worm. Fish have been disappearing.

    I was rearranging my scape and took two large pieces of live rock out overnight. This giant worm was on the floor, still moving so I put it in water. Bobbit worm, correct? I had 3-5 fairy wrasses disappear in the last year and a half. Most recently a Naoko. All new additions so I assumed...
  22. road102

    Found this strange worm under the sand, what is it?

    I have this Worm isolated, not sure if this is a good or bad guy for my tank !! any ideas? thanks!!
  23. ReefIO

    What are these? Pictures from under the microscope

    Hi, I have two different subjects that need ID-ing. First, I've been battling Amphidinium Dinoflagellates and have been dosing Silica (Brightwell's SpongExcel) to encourage diatoms. Here's the first shot. Looks to me like possibly pennate diatom. Thoughts? Second, Just recently dipped a...
  24. Kolby’s Reef

    What is this?

    what are these little brown like clear worms? and are they good or bad? Sorry can’t really get good pictures they are tiny.
  25. chemicals

    Tiny worm ID

    Hi, I’m trying to identify a tiny worm. I added some live copepods and 1hour later my tank is covered in thousands of these tiny white worms. I’ve tried to get some good microscope pictures so maybe you could help me! Thanks!