#worm #hitchhiker

  1. J

    Scary worm, what is it?

    My fiancé and I left for the holidays (about 2 1/2 weeks) and came back to find this really weird, thick white worm wriggling around on the floor of the aquarium. Granted, there’s a lot of algae build-up that’s being cleaned out today, but we’ve not seen anything like this worm before. Only...
  2. L

    Help me id this thing

    HELP! I bought a 20 lb live rock that came with a bunch of mushrooms and than this morning at around 5:00 am so the lights were still off I saw this red and white creature come out looks almost like a caterpillar and has spikes....I tried to identify it but I can't seem to match the picture with...
  3. J

    Black worms in RODI water

    So I buy my RODI water from my local Fish shop and today just before making my salt mix I poured the RO water into my mixing tub and noticed a few of these black worms in the water. Does anyone know what they are?
  4. eaquintero

    Spikey balloon worm on my gsp frag

    Got home to my gsp frag with all the polyps closes so I inspected and found these. Should I be worried? What are they?
  5. B

    Medusa, bristle, or something else

    I’ve been suctioning out multiple of these per day for a couple weeks now. Thought maybe bristle worms at first, then someone said maybe Medusa worms. I think these guys have legs, from what I’ve read Medusas don’t.
  6. Sistawolf

    Hair worm?

    I have seen a few of these once in a while when I move a rock or something.. they look balled up and will roll across the sand.. I caught this one and googled it.. looks like a spaghetti or hair room.. any information would be great and if I should track all of them down I see and remove them...
Geo's Reef