
  1. Rainbow Australophyllia Wilsoni

    For sale North Carolina Rainbow Australophyllia Wilsoni

    If you haven't noticed we love unique corals so this Rainbow Australophyllia Wilsoni is definitely one of our favorites! But don't worry it can be your favorite too! This stunning piece has incredible color and eats incredibly, we've had it for about 3 months now and it's only gotten nicer and...
  2. james-vader

    Arizona Live Goods High End Torches, Hammers, Octos, Blastos and Shrooms

    Letting go of some pieces from my collection, Please message me if you see anything you are interested in. I can send additional pictures and videos by request. DOA policy: * Free shipping at $450 * Shipping cost is $50 and I will cover the rest * UPS overnight. * Live arrival guaranteed if...
  3. Z

    Acan Lords, Scolies, Wilsoni, Gonipora & So much more at prices you can’t beat!

    Some truely insane Symphyllia Wilsoni, Gonipora, Euphyllia, Scolymia, Acanthos, and kinds of great corals updated @ AkwaCoral.com
  4. Z

    Big Things Coming in Toledo, Oh…

    … But for now, how about some insane sales on great stock! Check out AkwaCoral.com for some of the best sales on some Cherry Stock! Wilsonis at Crazy Prices, Acanlords, a knock out button scoly pack, and so much more!
  5. OuteastREEFS

    Super bright conditioned wilsoni colony - Promo code available

    Conditioned Wilsoni colony
  6. CJO

    North Carolina High-End LPS Forsale- Goniapora, Rainbow Wilsoni, Splatter Fungia, SC Dynamite Chalice,

    We've sold our house and are downsizing. Unfortunately, this means that I'm getting out of the hobby for a while. I have several high-end LPS that I'll be selling- an ultra wilsoni, an amazingly bright alveopora (similar to goniapora), a crazy purple and orange splatter fungia, an SC Dynamite...
  7. Noah_redsea

    Wilsoni care

    Had a question regarding wilsonsi corals from Australia I have recently purchased two from my lfs for a very good price and was told I could put them together to form a colony of multi colors does anyone know if that’s true or if they will fight each other being such close proximity, even though...
  8. wilsoni4.jpg


    month of rehab
  9. wilsoni3.jpg


    rehab progress pic
  10. rainbow platy wwc.jpg

    rainbow platy wwc.jpg

    So ive been trying to help this wilsoni recover after i found him on the discount rack. So far so maybe good ??
  11. Starblenny

    Australophyllia (Symphyllia) Wilsoni care?

    Has anyone have had any long term success with these beautiful corals? I've noticed they are more common at LFS (and in sponsor's threads) but when searching about them, it seems like no one has any success with them in the long term.
Pacific East