
  1. E

    EMERGENCY Ick and copper

    I got ick and treated it with Copper power at 2.9 ppm. the ick went away after 3 days of treatment, but now, it’s day 10 and i am seeing white spot again, normal? still at 2.9 ppm
  2. reefsaver

    EMERGENCY Reef in trouble, Clownfish Spot, early signs of Ich?

    I made this video in the hopes someone could help me Identify something I saw on my Clownfish. Skip to 1 minute mark. She looks healthy and I haven't noticed her scraping around trying to Itch it, pretty much unchanged demeanor. I raised the temp by 1° since I noticed it. The spot is still...
  3. adamlodge14

    Firefish with white spot

    Hi, I’m having a problem at the moment with white-spot in my 50 litre saltwater aquarium. About 1 month ago I bought two coral gobies for my tank that both ended up introducing ich. I started immediately treating with polyp lab reef medic to try to help (I also have a purple Firefish, scooter...
  4. S

    Yellow Box Fish - white spots, please help

    Hi guys, I’ve been through a fallow period recently - finished it almost 3 weeks ago. After that I decided I’m only getting TTMd fish moving forward. I have a yellow tang, gem tang that I put in over 2.5 weeks ago and they’re going great. I TTMd myself 2 Picasso clowns and a yellow spot box...
  5. Emlxn

    Clownfish white patch on mouth! Help!

    Hello :) 6 weeks ago I set up my first ever reef tank. I have 2 banggai cardinals and two clowns (and some corals and other inverts). A week ago I added a six line wrasse which seemed very happy, no sign of disease or illness at all! However I woke up to find it had died two days ago :( The same...
  6. J

    Anyone here use oodonex

    Okay so due to Australia’s shipping laws tightening up I haven’t been able to find cupramine or really any copper medications at any of my lfs. The only thing I’ve been able to get my hands on is oodonex by aqua sonic. Has anyone had any experience with this? is it worth getting or should I try...
  7. tjsweldind94

    Can anyone help me figure out what is going on with my clowns mouth?

    Came home today and my clownfish’s mouth was ajar (open) still is and it has a little white thing on it still eats just fine just not being active like normal I’ve posted the best picture I could get, any knowledge on what I should be doing would be greatly appreciated
  8. ConorE

    Help! Marine Ich

    Hi Guys, I recently purchased a new tank, and with it came a Koran Angel, a Flame Angel and a Coral Beauty. The fish looked otherwise healthy, and I didn't run a QT tank at the time so they were introduced into my old setup, while I get my upgrade all set up and cycled. After a week or so, my...
  9. N

    Brooklynella? Treatment? Help please

    I have a 40 gallon reef tank. I have at least 4 different types of coral, 2 red firefish, a watchmen goby, maroon clown, blue legged hermit crab and a Mexican Turbo snail. Everyone eats and acts normal. But I recently noticed a tiny white mucus spot near the tail of the maroon clown. At first I...
  10. RiaanP

    how long does copper take to kill Ich

    I firmly believe in doing the bucket transfer method to really cure whitespot. Been doing that for years and got a 100% survival rate. However, I got asked a question around copper and I cannot find the answer. As we know, copper is only effective during the free swimming stage. Basically it...