
  1. J

    Help with receding coral and cauliflower growth

    I've got some in my QT that are very unhappy. I see some growth on them that looks like cauliflower. The second picture is an acan and has the cauliflower and an odd looking antenna sprouting everywhere. My tank parameters are as follows PH: 7.8 - 8.0 Kh: 10.2 Ca: 500 Mg: 1395 NO3: 10 PO4: 0.03...
  2. LSAReefers

    Strange fluffy white growth.

    Hi hopefully someone can identify this for me. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I tried to manually remove it but it’s surprisingly VERY hard to scrape off even with a toothbrush. It’s a 6month old system 125 gal with a VERY LIGHT bio load(two clowns, a gramma, softies and hammers)...
  3. Pelagikos

    WHAT IS THIS? White cloud at base of Zoas...

    I've been noticing this for a while, but today it seems to be almost overtaking the heads. My first thought was to try to blow it away (that is why the colony looks that way.) It doesn't budge. I'm assuming I need to improve my flow in that general area but first... I need to figure out what...